The Dagger

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 It didn't take long for the shadow in the horizon to become a harbor stones throw away as the wind was at their back. But Signe couldn't help but be slightly nervous as it came closer and closer. It must have been a busy time of year for the harbor, because there were many ships, coming in, going out, and already docked, of all different shapes and sizes. The Red Lion was no small ship either. Usually ships like this would anchor a little ways out and use shore boats to go back and forth, but Captain Jack insisted to her he had it all under control.

 Signe watched on anxiously as the crew members swiftly went about their tasks. They tied up all the sails, leaving the ship to glide the rest of the way. Then Nanners and the Terroriser stood by the levers to the anchors, waiting for the Captain's word to drop them.

 The whole ship went silent as the large dock became closer, waiting for their Captain's orders. Signe held her breath, if he wasn't as good as he was trying to show off to be, he would certainly hit the dock and cause damage to his own ship. But the Captain seemed to have a level head about it all as he gracefully maneuvered his ship.

 Jack swung it wide right before they even were near the docks. Then, as they were lined up with it, he rapidly pulled the wheel to his left. "Nanners!" he yelled out, signaling the man on the left anchor to drop it. The anchor dropped, pulling the large vessel hard to the left, even throwing Signe a little off balance. They ship line up with the dock again, and the Captain yelled out, "Terroriser!" to signal his anchor. With the second anchor dropped, the ship slowed to a stop, smoothly placed facing outwards from the dock, now on it's right.

 The crew had seemingly seen this trick a hundred times, as they merely smiled at the successful docking, but were otherwise neutral about it. But everyone who had been in other ships or on the dock, couldn't help but cheer at the impressive feat they had pulled off. Even Signe was extremely impressed.

 "See, told you it'd be fine." Jack smirked, walking down to the balcony.

 Signe stood amazed for a moment before quickly following him down the stairs. "H-how did you do that?" she asked.

 "Me and this ship know each other well. It knows what I want." he smiled back at her before standing in front of the railing, leaning against it. "You know why we're here." he began addressing his crew below. "So I will send a few of you out to play your part, but other than that-"

 "No ship leave?" someone called out in shock.

 "But come on Cap! It's been ages since we've been to Cobos!" someone else joined in.

 "We're only going to be in Cobos for the night, we leave tomorrow afternoon." the Captain continued.

 "So? Let us have the night." someone bargained.

 The whole ship went silent as they awaited the Captain's response. He put his head down in thought as he leaned on the railing in front of him. He turned his head to his right, looking over at Signe, as if for approval.

 "Let them have the night." she told him quietly, so only he could hear.

 With her words, he made up his mind. He stood straight up, "Alright! You have the night." The entire ship erupted in cheers of joy for their ship leave. "But, I want all your sorry asses back on the ship tomorrow morning! No excuses!" Everyone agreed to the Captains words as they quickly scurried around. Some went below deck to grab certain belongings, but some immediately hopped the side onto the deck and made their way into the town.

 "I guess they're excited." Signe laughed, watching them all scatter.

 "Yeah. It really has been a while since we've been to Cobos." Jack smirked, walking back towards his corridors.

 "Aren't you going into the town?" Signe called after him.

 "Of course we are." he answered. He moved to a chest in the back of the room and unlocked it. It was where he had placed his weapons when she first came aboard. "But a self respecting pirate does not step off his ship without his weapons." Signe watched as Jack pulled out and loaded two pistols, placing them in holsters on his vest. Then he pulled out various knives, placing them in his boot, the back of his trousers, and on the front of his belt. Then finally, to finish it off, he pulled out his silver cutlass and strapped it to his side. When he was finished, he turned to face her, looking for her approval.

 "Well, you are certainly armed to the t, Captain Jack." she smiled, walking over to him and adjusting the collar of his coat.

 "Good. That's the plan." he smiled back. Then a thought quickly ran over his head. "But if you're going out with me, we can't have you casually walking around freely, now can we?" he said, going back into a different chest and rummaging through it.

 "I get to go out into the town too?"

 "Of course!" he laughed in response. "What am I gonna do? Leave you here with Diction? That doesn't sound eventful." Jack found whatever he was looking for and stood up, holding up his prize. He held up a dark green cape, that would cover her face when she put the hood up.

 "And I need that so no one will-"

 "Recognize you. We want to get the news out by word of voice, not by people knowing directly where you are." he finished for her. Without another word, he stepped closer to put the cape around her shoulders. He leaned around her, putting it on her from the front. They stood inches apart from each other as he buttoned the two button in the front, letting his fingers linger on the last one.

 Signe felt her face burn a bright red as he stood so close. They looked into each others eyes for a long while again and she caught him making more glances down at her lips. Although she wasn't completely innocent of looking at his at this point either. Unfortunately, their chance at moment was ruined by some of the crew mates loud conversation out on the balcony, as their heavy feet walked around.

 Jack cleared his throat as he took a couple steps back, face going flush as well. "Well...." he began, but his thought was lost and never finished. He looked over Signe before he spoke again, "Oh! One more thing you'll need!" He turned and went back to his first chest of weapons, pulling out a dagger with a belt and sheath.

 "Do you really think I'll need that?" Signe asked. She had no intentions of leaving Jack's side, and he was obviously well armed. She wasn't untrained in the art of self defense, but right now, she didn't really see the point.

 "Cobos is a busy place. If we get separated, I can't promise you that everyone will keep their hands to themselves." he said somberly. He moved close again, buckling the belt around her waist so it hung on her hips. "It's just in case." He looked her in the eyes and smiled, "I'm trusting someone who is my hostage with a weapon. Can I trust you won't use it against me?"

 She laughed and shook her head, "I would never...intentionally stab you."

 Jack laughed, grabbing her hand with his, "Oh very funny. Well try not to unintentionally stab me tonight, yeah?"

 They walked out of the corridors and out onto the deck of the ship. Jack quickly jumped down from the side of the ship onto the dock. He turned and extended his arms up for Signe to jump to him.

 She stood and scoffed for a moment. It wasn't the shortest jump to the deck. "Would a small plank kill you?" she scoffed at him.

 "Just jump. I'll catch you!" he smiled.

 "Yeah, you better." she said, stepping up onto the side of the ship. She quickly jumped off and right into Jack's arms.

 He held her for a quick moment before pulling her back to face him, "See? I told you I'd catch you." He grabbed hold of her hand again and they headed into the harbor town of Cobos.

Her Adventures on the Red LionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon