The Opportunity

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 More time passed as Signe got to sit in the Captains corridors all alone again. The events of the past moments were replaying in her head she almost didn't notice when the chef, Gassy, brought in her dinner.

 Now she stood in the room, looking out the back window at the sea like she had before. She could see the colors of the sky ever so slightly turn to a peach as the sun was beginning it's decent into the horizon. She wished she could see it for herself. The Captain's offer was beginning to sound more appealing to her as time went by. 

She began to tire of standing by the window though, but she felt like the bed was too far away from the window. Her only option was the Captain's chair directly behind her. She was no fool to ships so she knew sitting in the Captain's chair could be punishable if she was caught, but she felt like she was safe betting she wouldn't. Judging by how red the Captain's face had turned before he left the room, she assumed it would possibly be a while before he would return.

 Signe pulled the heavy chair out from the desk and sat down in it. It was a nice chair, but it certainly wasn't the heather stuffed ones she had back at her estate. Regardless, it was better than standing.

 More time went by as she watched the sky turn from peach to orange, becoming more in-tune with the rocking of the ship beneath her feet. The subtle lulling of the ship was becoming a lullaby for the lady. She was just getting comfortable in her seat when she heard the doors open again.

 She looked up, hoping it would be Seananners or the chef again. Surely they would give her a pass on simply resting in the Captain's chair a while. But much to her dismay, the green haired Captain himself stood in the doorway, jaw on the ground, and speechless.

 Signe quickly jumped to her feet and moved away from the chair. "Sorry! I was only there for a minute." she quickly said.

 Jack looked at her for a while before a smile split wide across his face. "You looked mighty comfy in my chair." he laughed. He walked passed her, grabbing a small telescope that had been sitting on his desk. He turned to look at her again, "What did you think, little lady? Did you like sitting in a Captain's chair?"

 "I...." Signe had no answer. She thought he would be upset with her again. When she was young she had gotten into the Captain's corridors on the Tetris and sat down in the chair. When the Captain caught her, he scolded her harshly and refused to let her in the corridors again. He said it was 'disrespectful'.

 "Come on, Signe. You know you liked it." Jack grinned. He was seemingly teasing her. "Couldn't you just feel the power in the chair? In charge of an entire ship, all on your own." he cocked his head to the side, looking down at her. "I think you're the kinda girl that would like that?"

 "And why would you say that?" she questioned.

 "Well you're certainly comfortable on the ocean, and from the looks of it, prefer it to life on the land."

 Signe couldn't help but smile, "How could you tell?"

 "One addict of the Sea can always spot another." he winked. Jack walked passed her again, standing in the doors. "So why don't you come out on deck and get a better look at it for yourself?"

 Signe stood for a moment, thinking it all over. She thought about how she looked to be above deck not long ago as she was looking out the window. She knew that the sunset would be beautiful tonight. But the images of the night previous still stuck in her head.

 "Come on." Jack spoke again, getting slightly impatient. "You can stay next to me by the wheel." Jack extended his arm out towards Signe, waiting for her to take his hand.

 Whatever worry there had once been for Signe, all quickly washed away with Jack's offer. She found safety in the thought of standing next to him. If she had been thinking harder on it, she probably would've questioned it, but she just jumped on the opportunity to get out of the small room. She quickly took his hand, and they both walked out together.

 They walked out and Signe remembered where she was going, although the lighting of the setting sun did make it easier on her. They walked out of the short hall onto a balcony that over looked the entire top deck of the ship. The ship itself was rather large, with massive sails the filled with the wind, large mast holding them up, and many a crew mate to keep them all in their place and working smoothly. None of the crew members on the deck seemed to notice the pair as they were busy talking, cleaning, and even a few drinking.

 As Signe was looking out over the large ship, she felt Jack tug at her hand. She turned around and followed him up a staircase behind them that led up to the wheel of the ship. They reached the top of the stairs and they were greeted with two other crew mates. One was Seananners, who was manning the wheel, and there was another Signe didn't recognize that was seemingly keeping Nanners company in between drinking from the bottle in his hands.

 "Hey, would ya look who it is." Seananners smiled at her. "Glad ya decided to show your pretty face out here again." Seananners backed up from the wheel, letting Jack take over.

 "Aye, it's gonna be a sunset everyone will wanna see." the other man spoke, looking out over the ocean in front of him. "Although, the more it turns red, the more I know the weather will be a bitch tomorrow." he laughed to himself.

 "That what the grog is for? To add to the headache you'll have tomorrow." Captain Jack said.

The other man laughed again before holding his bottle up. "Well, it's gonna happen anyways, mine as well embrace it."

 "Sure Nogla, whatever you say." Seananners laughed. "Now come on, lets leave Jack."

 "What?" the man, Nogla, questioned. "The Captain not want our company?"

 Nanners shook his head, "He has company, Nogla."

 For seemingly the first time, Nogla looked over at the other person the Captain had brought with him. Signe guessed that the mix of alcohol and the fact she was still standing halfway behind Jack probably threw him off. But when he did see her, his eyes went wide and his smile broadened, "Ohh! I get it!" he laughed as he walked to the top of the stairs. "AYE! CAPTAINS PLAYING FAVORITES!" he yelled out to the rest of the ship.

 Everyone turned to face them. When they saw Signe on the deck with Jack, they all laughed, hooting and hollering to poke more fun.

 "Aye, Daithi!" Jack laughed out, "Get off my deck!"

 "Alright. Alright. I'm going." he laughed. Him and Nanners both walked off the wheel deck to join the others below.

 Everyone went back to their previous tasks, seemingly not caring that Signe and their Captain were together. Even the familiar faces Signe had seen before didn't seem to give her a second glance. She felt the worry inside that still wanted to linger completely vanish. No one cared that she was there and that's just what she wanted.

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