Chapter 1

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I awoke to the sound of rain pattering softly against the window of my apartment, which I had moved into a few months prior.

I checked the time on my cellphone, 9:47 A.M.

The thought of food and feeding my puppy, Benny, motivated me to leave my warm nest of pillows and sheets.

"Benny," I called out with a raspy morning voice. "Where are you, little guy?" As soon as I heard his soft yapping and he came into view, my groggy face formed into a large grin. Benny jumped onto me, his tail wagging from side to side with excitement and his small pink tongue hanging out. "Hi," I cooed.

He followed me into the kitchen where I poured some puppy food into his bowl. As for my breakfast, I pulled out yesterday's leftover pizza from the refrigerator. "Fuck, this is good." I whispered to myself.

I put a few slices on a plate and made my way to my office, where I was working on a new novel.

While I typed away at my laptop, my phone vibrated with a new text message.

Eleanor: You wanna come over later? Like around six or something.

Jane: How many people will be there?

Eleanor: Eh, just a few friends.

Jane: Alright, I guess I'll see you later then.

Okay, I like making friends. I like people. I like free food. I like making people laugh. But parties aren't my thing, you know?

What am I gonna wear?? What if Eleanor is the only person I know there? What if I'm super awkward and while everyone is mingling and having fun, I'm a loner in the corner drinking alcohol(which will probably happen)?

Well, Jane, I guess you'll just have to see. Dude, just enjoy yourself. Like, dance or something. Eat. Get drunk if it makes it easier for you.

When in doubt, just go with a dress. Or a skirt.

"Oh, what'll I do, Benny?" He looked up at me and tilted his head, wagging his tail again.

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