1. I Live Here Now

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3rd P.O.V.

The Hokage sat in his office, receiving the report from one of his best anbu, Weasel, a.k.a. Itachi, after his most recent mission. It was an assassination, which was a complete success. Itachi was just finishing up reporting the details so he could go see his otouto. Finishing what he was saying, the 16 year old was waiting for the Hokage to dismiss him.

"Good job, Weasel. Take off tomorrow, you haven't had a break in a while," the Hokage said, disrupting Itachi's thoughts. Itachi responded with a stiff nod, surprised at his first free day in about a year.

"Thank you, Lord Hokage." The Hokage nodded.

"Very well, you are dismi-" the Hokage was cut off as a figure burst through the window, breaking it. Itachi stared for a second in shock, before the figure stood up, and he remembered it was his job to defend the Hokage. He dashed to the figure, attempting to slash at it, but it dodged him. He saw long purple hair before the figure stole his kunai, went behind him and tackled him to the ground, and incapacitated him by sitting in the middle of his back, holding onto his hands with one hand, and using the other to press the kunai to his neck. How? Then he heard the voice of the person who had so easily beaten him.

"Yo, what's up Lord Hokage?" said the person. It sounded like a little girl, probably the age of his otouto. This voice sounded familiar though, but he didn't know why. He'd just have to wait this conversation out, seeing as this girl hadn't done anything yet. He snapped out of his thoughts for the second time that morning as the Hokage spoke again.

"Miyako, please get off of Itachi, then explain what you're doing here." The girl, Miyako as Itachi now knew, released her hold on him, and returned the kunai to him. Itachi stood up, maintaining his stoic expression as the girl got off of him. That was humiliating. 

"Miyako, what are you doing here, and why are you not in your cell?" the Hokage asked, and suddenly everything fell into place for Itachi. He and 5 other anbu had been sent to arrest her, after she had repeatedly massacred towns on the borders of the land of Fire. They had lost three out of the six that went just to knock her out and be dragged to prison, a little more than a year ago. Yet somehow, the Hokage was talking to her like this was a daily occurrence. Then the girl started to talk.

"Well, Lord Hokage, I got bored in prison, and I was sick of the sadistic/masochistic idiots in that place. All they did was complain, and none of them are at my skill or age. That place is practically an asylum, you know. So, I sneaked out about two hours ago, and nobody has even noticed. You really need to up your security there. Anyways, what was I going to say... Oh right! I was thinking, I want to meet some new people who are my age, and I didn't like it there, so I thought I might come to you to enroll me in the ninja academy, and see if you could let me live outside of the prison. So, what can you do?" The whole time the girl was saying this, she just sat on the Hokage's lap, and he didn't even try to move the girl way. In fact, it looked to Itachi as if the Hokage was trying to muffle a laugh at the girl's words.

The Hokage sat in silence for a moment, then glanced to Itachi and back to Miyako, then got a twinkle in his eye that made Itachi nervous. The words he said next were good reason for him to be nervous.

"I will grant your request Miyako, but I will have Itachi be your escort 24/7. You will also be living with him. You will start the academy in three days, okay?" he said while smiling, and Miyako started nodding enthusiastically, while Itachi watched in shock. He was going to watch a serial killer/mass murderer 24/7? Today is just turning out great. And it was only 8 AM. Itachi sighed, and decided to take it in stride, since he couldn't really deny the Hokage. He removed his mask, and moved towards the Hokage to take the little murde- girl to his house. He put on a smile, so the little girl would not panic. He doubted she would, but it was always nice to be prepared.

"I'm Itachi, it's nice to meet you," he said, holding his hand out to her. She took it, and skipped out of the office, pulling him with her. Itachi sent a look of despair to the Hokage as Miyako dragged him out, while the Hokage chuckled and waved to him. I'll get you for this one day you geezer, Itachi thought.


Miyako's P.O.V.

I pulled Itachi out of Hokage tower, and realized I had no idea where we were going. I tugged on Weasel-nii's hand to get his attention. He looked down at me, with the same smiling face as before. It annoyed me.

"Where are we going Weasel-nii? Also, only give me real smiles, not those fake ones you've been giving me before now," I said. He merely nodded, and his smile disappeared as he pointed towards a large compound that was a short walk away.

"We're going to the Uchiha compound. It's where I live with the rest of my family. And why are you calling me Weasel-nii?" I snickered at his question before responding.

"Well, your name means Weasel, and you'll be around me for a long time, so I thought I might as well call you my big brother. Does it matter to you?" I asked as we walked towards the compound, where I could now make out a red and white fan painted on the wall.

"Hn," was his response, and I frowned.

"That's not a response you know," I pointed out, and he again just 'hn'ed'. 

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked, and this time I got a response.

"I have a little brother, and I guess a little sister now too. Imouto,"  he added on that at the end of his sentence with a small smirk. I blushed a little, and had a small real smile on my face. I don't know if he was serious or not, but it felt nice to think I had some sort of family, even if it was forced. The rest of the walk was in silence, and we soon arrived in front of a large two story house. 

I saw him dig in his pocket for a key, then slid it into the lock and opened the door. The second the door was opened, he was tackled by a boy my age that had hair like a chicken's butt. He didn't fall over, but I almost did in surprise. Then I noticed the boys similarities as Weasel-nii put the boy down. That must be his brother.

"Nii-san! You're back!" The boy practically screeched. I thought only girl's voices went that high, but what do I know. I was in prison for what, a year? Yeah, that seems right. Anyways, back to Weasel-nii and Banshee, as I have now dubbed his brother.

"Yes, otouto. I have to talk to mother and father right now, but then I will help you with your training. Promise," Weasel-nii said to Banshee, then he ducked down and poked his brother on the forehead with a happy smile. A devious smirk made its way onto my face as I decided to have some fun. I covered my eyes with my hands then started screaming.

"Help! Help! Incest! My big brother is a pedo with his younger brother! HE-" I was cut off by Weasel-nii putting his hand over my mouth, effectively shushing me, while Banshee just stared at me with wide eyes. 

"Otouto, meet Miyako. Miyako, meet my brother Sasuke. Sasuke, Miyako will be living with us for a while, so try to be nice to each other." As he said that, he slowly lowered his hand from my mouth. When I didn't scream, he put his hand down completely. I put my hand up in a peace sign towards Banshee.

"Yo. I'm Miyako, and I can beat your brother," I said while hiding yet another smirk. It's really funny to mess with people, but I know when to hold back. Banshee started screaming about how nobody could beat his brother, while I yawned and turned towards Itachi, to see him try to hide the small smile that was slowly forming on his face. It would definitely be more fun here than in prison.

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