"Aww," Hailee said. "Me thinks somebody liiiiiiiiiikes you."

Camila felt her cheeks heat and began to lower herself back to her seat, but not before she caught the stare of a blonde girl closer to the bottom of the stands. She sat in the third row and was definitely looking at Camila. The girl narrowed her eyes, held Camila's for a few seconds more, and then whipped her head back forward, her hair smacking the person behind her.

What was that about?

Hailee nudged Camila in the shoulder, and when Camila looked, Hailee gave her an over-exaggerated wink.

"Shut up." Camila rolled her eyes.

But Hailee did no such thing. Instead she started to sing in a whispered voice, "Mila's got a booooyfriend ..."

Camila groaned and lowered her head to her knees, her arms covering her ears, but not even that could drown out Hailee's hyena cackling.

The game ended shortly thereafter, the Jaguars bringing another victory. Camila's father would be pissed, but that actually gave her a smug sense of satisfaction. He deserved it for the crap he'd tried to pull earlier.

After helping Hailee gather all the garbage from her many trips to the snack bar (How did someone so thin eat so much?), Camila turned to exit the stands, but was stopped by a wall of blonde. Three girls, all with super low-cut pants, tight shirts, and heeled boots, stood in her path, arms crossed over their ample chests. Camila raised her brows and froze. Hailee stepped up beside her.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" said the blonde in the middle. It took Camila only a moment to realize she was the same girl who'd given her the evil eye earlier. "A couple of Whitecastle cheerleader skanks in our territory?"

Camila and Hailee weren't impressed with the poorly executed Mean Girls knockoff.

"Your territory?" Hailee said, while glancing around in an effort to look innocent. "I'm pretty sure this is a public area. Is your name on it somewhere?"

The girl cocked her head to the side. "Cute. Don't act like you're not here for a reason. I know what you're after."

"Really?" Hailee said. "I'm pretty sure we were here for a game, but—"

"Oh, get off it," the girl cut Hailee off. "Don't think I haven't seen you hanging all over Alex Ludwig? Don't you have any guys at your own school? Oh, wait, I forgot for a second, they don't grow 'em cute in the Whitecastle, now do they?"

Hailee started forward, but Camila pressed a hand to her chest. "Come on, Haiz, let's just go."

The girl turned to Camila. "Oh, you're not going anywhere until I've made myself clear on a few things.

"And what are those?"

The girl grinned, but it wasn't nice or pretty. It was a warning. "I know who you are," she said. "And I know why you're here."

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