Chapter One - Iruka's Warning

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Naruto woke up with an early start. "Today's finally the day!" He hopped out of bed, already in his tracksuit, spiked hair still standing, his bright blue eyes shined in the sunlight that seeped through the window of his quiet house. He goes to the kitchen and forges through the fridge. "Awww! There's nothing in here for me to eat!" His stomach growls and he clutches it, writhing from starvation. "Better get some Ramen."

He walks out of the front door and leaps on the top of his house's roof. He starts running across the rooftops, jumping above gaps. "Woo!" He leaps from a rooftop and lands crouching on a bar stool at his favorite place, the Ramen Ichiraku.

"I'll have the usual, please!" said Naruto to Ayame. "You forgot to say the magic word!" teased Ayame. "Oh alright! Please." grumbled Naruto. Couple of minutes later, Naruto dives into his bowl of ramen, slurping away like crazy. "Mmm! Still the best ramen in town!" "It is isn't it?" said a male voice. 

Naruto looked to his left in surprise. "Iruka Sensei?! What're you doing here?" "I'm here to have some breakfast, Naruto. Actually, what are YOU doing here? And why are you up so early? Shouldn't you be fast asleep right now since it's the weekend?" "Well, if you must know Iruka Sensei, I'm going to vacation at an old temple in the woods with my friends."

The color drained from Iruka's tanned face. His eyes squinted and his once happily smiling face turned to a somber, worried expression. "W-What old temple?" asked Iruka. 

"The one off of the main road to the far west of the Hokage Monument." Iruka dropped his spoon. It fell into the broth of the ramen. "Naruto. Vacation somewhere else. Anywhere, but do not go to that temple." Naruto stared intensely at Iruka. "Why?" Iruka now turned to face his ramen bowl. He took out the spoon, and slowly stirred the bowl with a chopstick.

"I visited that place once with some friends. We stayed the night there as part of a dare. Things turned ugly after we discovered a scroll. I was the only one that made it out." Naruto, still staring intensely at Iruka, then burst out laughing. "I've heard so many legends about that place. I know a guy who went to that temple and came back in one piece. You're just tryin' to scare me." The serious look never left Iruka's face. "Fine. Believe whatever you want to believe. But heed my warning. Do not go to that temple." With that, he stood up, disappeared within the crowd.

'Ah, who cares,' thought Naruto. 'It's just a story anyways.' He then stood up, paid for his ramen, and headed to Sasuke's. 

"SASUKE!" yelled Naruto as be banged on Sasuke's window, which has been covered with shutters from the inside. "HEY!! LET'S GO! GET UP!" Naruto heard a groan, ruffling and shuffling and footsteps, and the shutter is pulled up. And there stands Sasuke. Naked from the chest up. "What?" he grumbled. "Don't you remember? The thing we all planned for this weekend?"  Sasuke stood there, still staring at Naruto with an uninterested look on his face. "Wait here." said Sasuke. He shuts the blinds and more shuffling and footsteps are heard. 

Next moment, Sasuke and Naruto are walking down the street together towards Sakura's house. "I don't even want go go to that temple. Why would I want to spend a weekend with you and Sakura together? You both annoy me enough." scoffed Sasuke. "It's not only gonna be me and Sakura. said Naruto. "Ino, Lee, Neji and Hinata are also coming." Sasuke groaned upon realizing Ino will be there. 'Damn it.' thought Sasuke. 'Now Sakura and Ino are gonna be fighting the whole weekend.' 

The duo stopped at Sakura's house, only to find her jumping off of her roof and landing in front of them. "Hey guys!" she waved. "Hey Sakura." said both boys in different tones. "So we're gonna meet everyone else at the entrance to the forest?" asked Sakura, holding an overnight bag. "Yeah. So, you got everything you need?" asked Naruto. "Yeah! I even have my shuriken in case I wanna practice some fighting techniques." exclaimed Sakura excitedly. "Great! Let's go!" said Naruto, doing a thumbs up gesture. "Whatever." grumbled Sasuke, rolling his eyes. The trio walked off to the entrance of the forest.

The trio then met up with the rest of the teens, waiting at the forest entrance. "Hey guys!" said Sakura. The teens greeted them with hugs, handshakes, and nervous hellos from Hinata. Ino just shook Sakura's hand and both exchanged near-monotone hellos. "So when are we gonna get to the temple? I'm already tired from waking up so early." said Neji. "Well, I hope you guys got enough food and water, 'cause this temple's a long ways away from civilization." said Naruto. "It's deep into the forest, west of the Monument." "I've heard legends about this place." said Rock Lee. "All of them about a couple of friends who got killed there by something." Hinata whimpered held Neji's hand upon hearing Rock Lee's words. "Ah, those are just tall tales." said Naruto, re-assuring the group. "We're gonna be fine! Believe it!" "Alright then. Let's go." said Rock Lee. and the group of teens entered the forest.

Naruto stepped one foot in before freezing in place, recalling Iruka's words. 'Do not go to that temple.' "Naruto!" cried Sakura. Naruto snapped out of his trance and looked at Sakura. "Yeah?" he asked. "You coming or are you gonna chicken out?" teased Sakura. "I'm coming, I'm coming." said Naruto. He took one last look at Konohagakure, and disappeared into the forest.

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