"I don't remember that." I say with a yawn

"Natsu." He says and I look to him.

"That happened yesterday." He whined

I press my lips together into a kissy face cross my arms and look the other way.

"You know I can't remember that when I don't want to." I say

"But Naaaaaaaaaaatsuuuuuuuuuuu I'm hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!" He yells, but since I have super hearing it feels like a dog whistle in a dog's ear being blown as hard as the whistle could blow.

"Fiiine. Jeez." I mumble while rubbing my blown off ear.

I sit up and grab my orange and black vest and slip it on. I can feel pink hair stand up in all directions of my head and I grin. Then I lazily start to slide to the ground off the hammock. While Happy is just floating there pretending to tap his foot on a imagery floor. He has his usual green back pack and white wings out in the air. Finally I land on my feet, but I'm gonna annoy him a little more for making me up so early at what 9:30! On a Tuesday! Oh he's gonna wish he didn't wake me up! I smile evilly, and slowly turn my head to the direction of Happy. I can see the frustration in his gaze.


"Hey Happy! I think Carla said yesterday she would LOVE some fish, but no one had any and you weren't around." I smirked and turned to face happy, but I quickly wiped the smirk off my face and replaced it with a blank sleepy-looking expression.

"Maybe you shou-" But before I could even finish the sentence no blue exceed was to be seen.

"That will teach him." I chuckled.

"Well since I'm up, I guess I can go see Luce." My face instantly grew warm thinking about Lucy.

Her long golden blond hair. Her two big chocolate brown orbs. Da boo-

'Wait! Where the heck did that come from?!'

I shake my head to rid myself of that one specific thought.

I have to admit that I do like Lucy. Like, like like. It's not like anybody knows, because I want to tell people when she tells me after I tell her. I would have told Lucy sooner than later, but I feel like she needs more time. People think I may not know what's going on, but most of the time.......I do. Lucy....I don't know if she is confused about how she feels or if she doesn't like me all together, but one things for sure....I love her. Now most people would say I'm the one confused but I know what I want. I'm just waiting for Lucy to figure out want she really wants. If she does I hope people will be ready to hear me shout to the rooftops that I love her.

'Because I really do.' I think. I run my hand through my pink locks

"I am kinda hungry myself. Luce is probably already up and making breakfast." My mouth waters.

"Lucy's food." I sigh with a dreamy look. I feel myself drooling then I shake my head.

"I'm all fired up!" I say with a grin and take off.

When I run down the street I take notice it's snowing.

"I hope Lucy's warm enough." I mumble.

"Well if she's not I can just cuddle with-" I stop

"Stop it. Stop it! Stop it!!" I growl and bang my head with my hand.

~5mins later~

I finally reach her apartment and jump up to the window. Of course it's open, it's always open, even though she threatens to close it. I jump down from the window sill, and see Lucy. She's sleeping, well that's surprising. She's usually up around 8. I would know. Always making myself at home here. I close the window and walk over. She's sleeping so peacefully. I move some of her hair out of the way, and put it behind her ear. I just stare at her for a couple of minutes, and then I come up with an idea. I think her smartiness is rubbing off on me. Since when do I think of come with ideas!

'Oh yea......whenever I'm with her.'  I think with amazement and smile. I turn around and make my way to the kitchen.

~back to the beginning~ Lucy's POV

"NATSU!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. There stood Natsu, eggs in hair and bacon grease everywhere.

And I mean EVERYWHERE!!! Does he know how hard it is to get that's stuff off?! Nastu looks down ashamed.

"I was trying to make some breakfast for you and myself, but yeah. I'm really sorry. I didn't want to make a big mess." I barely hear him mumble.

I close my mouth from saying else and my eyes soften.

"Natsu it's alright, I just wish you could have woken me up, so I could help you." I say softer.

"But you looked so peaceful and tired, so I decided to make us breakfast."

'Wow Natsu actually came up with an idea. I didn't even know he knew how to do that. Also he thought of me too and not just himself.'

I could feel the blush stain my cheeks and I looked away from his direction bashfully.

"Eh Luce you ok. You look really red. Are you sick or somethin?" He asked while tilting his head to the side.

That of course made me blush even more.

'Stop being so nice and cute!'

He walks over and felt my forehead, and all I could do was stare at his concerned face. His hand felt warm against my skin and I could smell his scent. He smelled like a burning campfire and I love the smell. Ever since I was a kid. I wanted to get closer, but his hand pulled away all too soon.  Natsu looked down on me and that's when I finally saw our height difference. He has to be at least 6 foot now. I stare up and him and he stares back with intense eyes. There's a silence between us but it's not an awkward silence it's a comfortable silence. The silence that makes you want to just cuddle up in a blanket with someone and feel warm. I'm memorized by his eyes and I finally see that his eyes aren't black like I've always thought. No, there more of a beautiful Jade Green. I go to tell him I love his eyes but he beats me.

"Lucy go lay down you must be sick." He says breaking the silence. I open my mouth to protest, but Natsu gave me a look that said you are not gonna win this one.  So with a pouting face I made my way to the bed, and laid down. I once again tried to protest, but Natsu interrupted me.

"Don't even think bout it. I'm gonna take care of you, because you are sick."

'How is he supposed to take care of me if he can't even take care of himself?!'

But boy was I wrong......
Hope you enjoyed it!!
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1789 words

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