April+Josh= prom, Josh+ Brittney= ?

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It was after 2nd period and my day was going on pretty great. I was headed toward the bathroom when I saw Josh. I desperartly needed to talk to him, so I started walking toward him. As I got closer I began to slow down as I saw he was standing with April. They seemed to be in a very deep conversation that I just had to hear.

Looking around I quickly hid behind a wall before they could see me. Luckly for me, they stopped right in front of the wall that I was hiding behind so I could hear every single thing that they were saying to each other.

"What is it April?" Josh demanded.

"I wanted to give you the opportunity to take me, April Stone, to the prom." April told him.

"Prom is months away." Josh replied.

"I know, I prepare early. I just know we will be prom queen and king." She coninued.

Josh looked at her before opening his locker and replying, "Thank's but I'm already going to ask someone."

My heart stopped beating fast, I hope that April would leave quickly so that I could talk to him and use the bathroom before the class bell rings. April didn't look like she was finished talking about it just yet though. Josh closed him locker and started walking away, April quickly grabbed his arm and spun him around.

"Joshua... You play football right." April said.

"Yeah..." Josh replied.

"And, your looking for a college... what's that word that the less fourtunet use?" She asked.

"Scholorship, and yes I am." Josh told her.

"What if I said I could get you one of though's shcolor things?" April responded with a huge grin on her face.

I lost my breath for a second. She was offering him his dream, if that was her way of impressing Josh she totally wasn't failing. My face fell as I watched him smile a wide smile at her. I was so not going to win this fight.

"That would be awesome!" Josh exclaimed.

"Under one condition." April said holding her finger up and smiling at her victory.

"anything." Josh agreed.

"You and me go to prom together, and you be my boyfriend." She said.

Josh was silent for a while, I felt like I had just been slapped in the face with a big thick brick or something. You would think that Josh would turn her down, but he did the exsact oppisite.

"Deal." He told her.

She pulled him into a hug and put her hand in his. "Come on Joshy, we can't be late for class." April told him and I watched as they walked down the hall together, hand in hand. My heart felt like it had just been ripped out and popped open.

I turned and leaned against the wall. Closing my eyes, I heard someone lear their throat and opened my eyes again. Before me stood Brenda and a florentine known as Aleah. They stood there with amused looks on their faces and their arms closed as if I had missed something that was gravely important.

"Did you really think that he would go to prom with you?" Brenda asked very amused.

"I...uh....um..." I began to stutter.

"Josh is florentine material! You never had a chance against April. He's obviously hers, and that football scholorship, his dream right. What would you offer him?" Aleah said.

I could feel the hot tears pushing to come out, but I held them back as much as I could. I knew that Josh was florentine material, the boy looked like an absolut male model. He stood out from the other Emeralds and I had to say that he and April made a cute couplee, sense they both had amazing features.

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