Everything gets better... a little

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I clutched my book close to my chest as I walked down the hallway. I guess what had happened was slowly fading, sense I could walk with my head up without people making comments and sucking their thumbs. Some kids even smiled and complemented me on my outfit. I was beginning to feel more and more confident throughout the day, but what happened with Brenda still haunted me in the back of my mind. Knowing that I caused her to leave the Emeralds was like carrying around a 20 ton bullet in my hands.

"Nice shoes." Someone said as I passed.

"Thanks." I called after them.

I smiled to myself; people were getting nicer to me. I was slowly finding my place in this school, slowly adjusting, and slowly finding my people. I passed April in the hall and she stuck her foot out making me trip. I dropped my books and my backpack; I got up and started collecting my books. I looked up at them and saw Brenda laughing along with April and her wannabe's. Anger boiled inside of me, she was such a trader.

I pushed that thought away; I didn't have time to get into a fight with Brenda. I had to get to my last class so that i could get out of this dumb school and go home. I wanted to be as far away from them as I possibly could. When I collected all my stuff, I got up and walked down the hall away from  them even though I could hear their laughter, I didn't flatter I kept walking down the hall.

I turned into my designing class and took my seat in the front of the class. Beside my desk sat a big manikin. Fabric was on the side of the room, rulers and other supplys were all over the room. A bit stage was in the middle of the room so we can show off the amazing clothes that we all made. Today, we would actually start designing.

The class piled in just as the bell rang. They hurried to their seats just as the teacher Mrs. Paula came into the room. She was a French woman with dark brown curly hair, an angel like face, and a thick French accent. She wasn't very tall but she wasn't really short either.

"Good morning class." She said.

"Good morning, Mrs. Paula." We replied.

"Non,en français." She told us.

"Bonjour, Mme Paula." We said.

She smiled, Susan had warned me that she liked us to talk in french in her class. Lucky for me, at my old school I had took french every single year. So I was fluent in it, and I would have no problem comunicating with her.

"Today, we will be doing...as you american say, dresses, but in france we say Robes. Repeat." She began.

"Robes." We repeated.

"bon!" She exclaimed smiling.

She walked over to the board and started writing measurements and drawing how the dresses should look and what not to do and what to do. She seemed to like a certain type of stitching, but it was a really hard kind of stitching. Which ment if we did hat type of stitching we would get extra credit for it.

Soon, we were starting out sketches. I wanted to do a long flowy dress, it would represent that I'm the type of girl who could be blown easily by the wind, and I thought it would look good. When it's done, I'll send it to my mom for her birthday present. The dress would be a light blue which is my moms favorite color.

When my sketch was done, I brought it up to the front of the room and showed it to Mrs. Poula. She approved it and said that I could start picking out the fabric for it. The racks were full of fabric, from solid colors to zigzag and lepord print. The fabric I wanted was close to the bottom and it was smooth and soft. It was exsactly what I was looking for.

I started working on cutting, as I was cutting I glanced up to see Brenda walking up to Mrs. Poula. I hadn't even noticed her in my class, I was to focused on the dress I was making to even check and see who was in class with me. I caught a glimpse of her dress as she made her way to the fabric counter. She was making tight purple mini dress, with ruffles coming down the side.

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