"I Promise" -Harry P.O.V

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I dropped Will wrist and stood there confused. “I did no such thing. I was sleeping.”

Will looked like he was going got punch a wall again but Samuel came walking down the hallway. “I think you guys need to see this.”

I followed Samuel not wanting to be Will punching bag. He led me to a surveillance room that was very tricked out.There were cameras on the whole front of the room! “So what exactly is this?” I asked.

Samuel looked up at me. “What else? We are surveilling the meeting location.” Will came in and was a bit amazed as well.

“So what did you find?” Will asked. “This.” Samuel typed things on the computer and one of the plasma’s  backed up until he stopped. “This was taken a few minutes ago.”  I looked closer and it played and someone came walking in to the clearing.

Samuel paused. “There.” Samuel said pointing to the figure. “Seems familiar?” Samuel asked as Will and I both looked.

It took me a minute but then it hit me. Will looked at me with wide eyes. I was shocked and looked at Samuel.

“You no that isn’t me! I am right here!” Samuel looked at me but I knew he didn’t believe me.

“Will was beating me a few minutes ago! I can’t be at two places at once.” I replied looked room Samuel to Will.

They both were giving me distrusting looks.  “You can if you use the transformation potion.” Will answered.

I started at them both. “I’m Harry!Look!” I pulled up my sleeve to show my tattoo of the symbol for Fire and snap my fingers causing a flame to erupt.

“See, I’m not lying.” Samuel slowly shook his head. “Yes you  may be , Harry  could have gotten someone who is an actual Fire, to take  his place. We all now he isn’t stupid.”

“I am right here!Come on  Samuel! Its me!” I looked at Samuel with all my innocence. Why would he think I was lying. Didn’t I prove to them that I can be trusted..

“We are sorry whoever you are but we are going to have to prove it.” Will said and the next thing I knew two Guardians came up behind me and made me sallow this horrible drink.

“Wh..at..th..e..he…ll” I said following the horrible crap. “Sit him over there. The drink will take effect soon.” Samuel commanded.

I didn’t even get to chair before my boy started to convulse. It felt horrible, like bones were trying to break but then slowly it stopped and I was staring at Will and Samuel.

“Sorry about that Harry. We had to make sure its really you.” Will  said looked happy for himself.

I gave Will a dity look,since he looked to happy with himself. “So if I am here, then who is that.” Ireplied getting up and brushing myself off.

“I think I have your answer.”

            Everyone in the room turned to look at the door where Mrs. Todd was standing with a sticky note.

            “I was looking for Natalie and well I found this.” Mrs. Todd handed the sticky over to Samuel who let us all see it.

“I’m sorry but I have to do this. Harry has done a lot for me and its only fair if I repay him. If this is the last time I see you then I would like to say my goodbyes.

Mrs.Todd You were like a second mother to me .Please tell my parents I love them. Will, thank you for making my friend happy. Samuel keep leading. Your amazing and don’t let anyone tell you other wise. Finally Harrry..thank you for everything you have done for me.”



            The room was silent all thinking about Natalie. She doesn’t deserve  to die.  “Okay, well no way in hell am I letting something happen to Natalie so who in here is ready to take Fire down once in for all!” I yelled.

            Samuel and Will both looked at me and smiled. “All Guardians get ready to move out. I want every available weapon we have. Meet at the front gate in 10 minutes!” Samuel yelled.

            The room got to moving and once all the guardians were gone it left Samuel, Mrs. Todd ,Will and I left. “You know she used a transformation potion.” I said more as a fact. “A friend o f mine said I was in the Dungeons this morning.”

            Mrs. Todd sighed. “I didn’t even know she new that existed.” Mrs. Todd let her head hand. Will went over to her and patted her shoulder. “Its okay, none of us new what exactly Alaster did to her, but she isn’t going tot die okay. I’m not going to let anything to her, Mrs. Todd.”

            Mrs. Todd  looked up into Will eyes and for a second I thought she was Ally. “Thank you Will, I am going tot go talk to Lucas to see what we can do.”

Samuel nodded. “Good idea Mrs. Todd.” Mrs. Todd looked at us one more time before she walked out.

            “I have to go Samuel. please let me go first.” I said with determination. No way was I going to let Natalie take my place.

            “I have to go to Samuel. Its Ally we are talking about here.” Will also said. Samuel looked at the both of us.

            “If I let you guys go, you have to promise me something.” Samuel began and Will and I both nodded. “Don’t die,” he finished.

            Will and I both looked at each other and went over there an hugged Samuel. “Not all promises can be kept Samuel.”  Will replied quietly. 

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