Chapter 3

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My hand flew to the nightstand, my fingers trying to quickly shut off the alarm clock. It wasn't a happy sound at all. It was the sort of sound that rang in your ears for hours and hours, giving you a headache within minutes. Finally, I found the button that turned it-

Scratch that. The blood curdling beeping sound only got louder.

"Ack!" I squeaked as I rolled out of bed, apparently reaching too far off the bed. My side instantly started to throb. I groaned, tensing up.

This was already starting out to be a great first day at actual work.

There came a knock at my door. "You're due at the medbay in five, Sara."



With my hair in the messiest ponytail imaginable, I ran into the medbay. My forehead was beaded with sweat. It took me longer than I first realized to find the medbay again, especially with most of the lights turned off still.

"I'm here!" I announced, bending down with my hands on my knees to catch my breath. "Am I... Am I late?"

The large red 'mech', as I learned to call them, looked down at me with a small sigh. "Yes. By thirty seven seconds. What were you doing?"

I looked up at him, regaining my more 'professional' composure. "Sorry, I had a little trouble finding the medical center again. It was darker out than I anticipated." That had to have sounded at least a little bit more formal. Right?

Ratchet turned back to the large monitor in his corner of the room. "Yes, yes. I've set some data pads over there beside your desk. They include multiple different situations and such for you to try out. I need to find out exactly what I need to teach you, and what you already know." By the tone of his voice at the end of the statement, I could tell he didn't have high hopes for my past knowledge.

It wasn't very nice of him, really.

With my bag slung over my shoulder still, I walked over to the small wooden desk. The data pads on top of the desk weren't huge, like I had thought they would be. They were specifically human sized, but they looked like they hadn't been messed with forever. They were so pristine.

I got to work as quickly as I can. The data pads, I found out, worked a lot like how a new iPad or something would work. Sliding a finger across the screen unlocks it, and then it would take the user through a line of slides.

The first one was very simple. It only had text on it. 'Welcome, Sara'

Personalized. That's always nice.

What slide followed next made me the most frustrated I have ever been since multiplying matrices back in high school. Every other word was in English, clear as day. But after every English word was a wonky symbol. The English words didn't make sense, so I only assumed that the symbols meant something in a different language.

Then it hit me. The language that the Cybertronians, the Autobots at least, were used to. Their native tongue.

"Shit...." I cursed under my breath. If the symbols meant a word equivalent to an English word, I would have to quickly figure it out. There was a 'patient' on the data pad, and with every second that passed, their health line went down.

Every single second.

Cold breath hit my shoulder, making me shiver. "Your patient's dying."

I nodded, trying to quickly figure out a solution. "Yeah, I know, I know...." I said under my breath, pulling out a notebook and pen.

A Small Dose of Ratchet Fever - A Transformers Bayverse FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now