Gods and Monsters pt.5

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Bad language and sexual content 😂 aka smut, language and violence??

"Well, that's an evil smile..."
― James Patterson, The Angel Experiment


It was night time, the hour where the sun was at its lowest point and only small pieces of the bright shining galactic body illuminated the sky and then suddenly Eva saw red. It first started with Sophie's nails, it was painted blood red and she said that it was for the holiday spirit but by the way the stormy eyed girl stared at the edge of her fingers like she was going to slit someone's throat with just her nails.

Then came the cranberries, there was a stash of the fresh fruit from the fridge and Eva didn't know which one of them had the great idea of using the red berries as an ammo in a great food fight, but the elderly woman didn't care to know how but merely faced the fact that it happened. They wasted the whole bag by playing outside, throwing the berries back and forth between each other and then they came inside to get cleaned up, the sight almost made Eva faint.

There the two stood covered in red drips and blotches all over their clothes and frankly Sophie and Kevin looked like they were caught in a bloody massacre. Their face seemed to be bleeding and oozing blood and everything about them just screamed death, but what was unhinging was the fact that they wore sinister smiled on their faces because Eva knew that when it came to Kevin they might as well be bathed in each other's blood right now.

The final straw was this moment, Sophie was cooking dinner for them and Celia volunteered to help because Eva couldn't persuade her daughter to do otherwise. The sight she arrived to terrified her. There on the kitchen counter sat Kevin nonchalantly, Sophie working meticulously over the pot and her daughter, oh her dear daughter, smeared in red- her small hands covered with a red substance causing Eva to frantically go towards her youngest child thinking that she may be hurt.

She pushed Sophie out of the way, ignoring her plea of pain because the older woman could only see Celia. She bent down her level, inspecting if she was hurt and then she paused to cup her child's face and asked with worry. "Are you alright?"

"Look mom, I helped Sophie make red velvets." She stated proudly and held up her hands for her mom to inspect her handiwork. Eva's finger tentatively traced over Celia's hand and upon closer inspection she realized that it was red food coloring. The elder woman, breathed a sigh of relief and her shoulders sagged- finally releasing Celia from her hold as she stood up to apologize to Sophie only to see that the ashen haired girl was clinging to her lower arm.

Kevin was beside her, giving his mother a terrifying glare and Eva realized that she had pushed Sophie harder than she had intended to, causing the grey eyed girl to collide with the scorching hot pot. The ironic part was that the burn in her arm was at the exact same place as the scar Kevin acquired when he was young- which was also her fault.

At this point, she realized that her husband saw what happened and once again Eva would be seen as a person who overreacted to the situation. She stepped forward to say sorry, but Kevin only kept Sophie closer to him and then used his muscular strength to guide her upstairs to his room. The preparation for dinner forgotten as Eva stood amongst the damage that she had done.


"What the fuck did I tell you?" Kevin seethed with rage before slapping Sophie's face one more time and the ashen haired girl now sported frayed hair and tear stained orbs.

"You're the only one who can hurt me." She muttered weakly as Kevin grabbed her hair roughly and forcing her against the wall. The two paused and Sophie could now feel the sting of her cheek and the small scalding burn on her arm. She was in pain that was certainly sure, but there was apart of her that said she needed this- she needed him and suddenly she was reminded that she shouldn't be afraid of Kevin not at all.

Despite her thoughts, events took a quick turn when without warning the psychotic teenage boy now held a knife in his hand. The handle tightly gripped causing his knuckles to turn white, leaving the blade against Sophie's throat. She did not scream out mercy or pleaded to him to stop, instead she looked at him defiantly and said. "Do it. I dare you. But we both know that once my neck is pouring out blood and the life is leaving my eyes, you'll scream and try to make the bleeding stop- you'll try to get my heart beating again. Because we both know that if you kill me- that if by some event I get chopped up in a million pieces, you will try to piece me back together again bit by bit, skin by skin, hair strand by hair strand. Because you cannot live without me."

They stilled, the only sensation that Sophie could feel was the knife against her neck and the rapid drumming of her heart within her rib cage and then he let go- he let go of the knife, he let go of her hair, he let go of her.
Sophie glared at him harshly and then picked up the knife from the floor. She tested the object a few times with a few sets of grips and then she swung at him landing a blow on his face- causing a short line of blood to ooze from the wound. "Now we're even."

She stated and then let go of the weapon. The grey eyed girl disappeared to go to his bathroom and get a medical kit, afterwards she returned to him- still in the same spot when she left. She covered the cut she gave him with such precision that one might think that she was actually trained in the medical field but despite that fact, in the silence between them respect was once again established the wound on her arm forgotten because to her Kevin always came first.


Eva went downstairs that same night, due to the fact that she couldn't sleep there was just something in the looks that Sophie and Kevin gave her that was simply unnerving- to the point that it was creeping towards the line of a murderous glare.

She shivered at the thought as she continued to their balcony, but then paused when she heard Sophie's voice emanating downstairs. There on the living room sofa was the grey eyed girl, with a book in her hands that she seemed to be reading. Kevin's head laid atop her lap seemingly contented with just listening to her voice.

"...she's tied to the floor, naked, on her back, both feet, both hands, tied to makeshift posts that are connected to boards which are weighted down with metal. The hands are shot full of nails and her legs are spread as wide as possible. A pillow props her ass up and cheese, Brie, has been smeared across her open cunt, some of it even pushed up into the vaginal cavity.
I try using the power drill on her, forcing it into her mouth, but she's conscious enough, has strength, to close her teeth, clamping them down, and even though the drill goes through the teeth quickly, it fails to interest me and so I hold her head up, blood dribbling from her mouth..."

Disturbing was the only word she could use to describe what she heard and Eva quickly turned around to find another part of the house where she could find solace, but if she looked closely she would have seen the bandaged wound on Kevin's face.


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