Chapter Nine

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::Levi's POV::

I ate quietly at the table with my mom. She didn't say anything, but I knew she was disappointed that Tyler wasn't there with us.

"Honey, there's a cobbler on the counter. I'm going to start the dishes," she said in a tiresome tone. She'd had a long day. She'd went from being so excited from having her oldest son back to being disappointed by him yet again. I knew he was her son, but I would never understand why she put so much faith into him. He would let her down every single time and he had so far.

"No mom. I'll do them. Get some rest," I offered simply to relieve her from a little bit of the stress in her life.

"Thanks Levi, goodnight sweetie," she said and kissed me on the cheek. "Tell your brother I said goodnight if you're awake when he gets in."

"Night mom," I said and watched as she went upstairs.

I finished eating my dinner, then went over to the sink to do all of the dishes. In about twenty minutes, the job was done and I was drying off my hands.

I wasn't sleepy yet so I decided to go into the living room and watch a little TV. While I was at it, I called Kylie.

We were on the phone until about midnight, when she told me her dad had just walked in the house and that she had to go. I didn't protest because I knew if her dad saw her on the phone with a boy at this time of night, there would be hell to pay.

I mean of course I didn't want to get off the phone with her just yet, but I didn't want to cause any additional problems between her and her dad.

Since I'd no longer had anything to do, I figured it was time to attempt to go to bed. I made sure to turn off the TV and lights just before heading upstairs to my room.

As I approached the first step, I heard the front door open.

I watched bewildered, as Tyler and two drunken girls entered the house. The girls stumbled around and slurred as they complimented our home.

"Can we see your room Tyler?" One of the girls asked.

"Yeah Tyler! Can we see your room? Please?" The other girl added in a pathetic tone.

"Only if you make sure you're veerryyy quiet," he said and the girls nodded.

He approached the steps with the girls but I blocked them.

"Where do you think you're going? They're not coming up here," I said sternly. Was he crazy? Oh yeah, he was.

"What does it matter to you," he said back.

"Wow. Back for less than twenty four hours and this is how you act. I think you've broken your record," I said and shoved at his chest as he tried to pass me again.

"Why are you always trying to lecture me? I'm the big brother remember?" He said.

"Well why don't you start acting like it. I'm tired of always having to keep you in line," I said with my jaw clenched.

He stared at me for a moment then said, "Fine. C'mon ladies. Let's take the party elsewhere."

"Okay!" They answered in unison. Their tight dresses nearly exposed their asses, but they could care less. Where did Tyler even pick up girls like this? A street corner?

"You need to learn how to relax little brother. I'll be at the pool house if mom asks," he said before shutting the door behind him.

I sighed and continued upstairs to my room. I was so tired of him. He was always out of control and I always had to watch out for him. I couldn't even believe we used to be best friends because the brother I once knew was long gone.

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