Running to my sisters room and pushing the door open, to reveal a dark room.  The lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the empty bed  with its crumpled up sheets and proving the dreaded thought that had entered my mind.

“ELLIE! ELIZABETH, WHERE ARE YOU.” I shouted out into the darkened house, searching frantically for the little girl.

“Please God; let her not have ventured into that storm.” I mumbled to myself, knowing full well that if her beloved stuffed bear was outside, you could bet your bottom dollar Ellie would be too. She never went anywhere without that darn bear.

Rushing outside towards the front yard where I had last seen her bear and looking around frantically. My clothes were getting soaked and the strong wind was blowing raindrops into my face at a stinging force, practically blinding me to the ferocious storm, making me stumble over the numerous fallen debris. The ground was soaked with soupy mud and my bare feet  sunk in till my ankles, coating the bottom of my pants, causing extra weight to accumulate and it was slowing me down.

“Elizabeth! Elizabeth, where are you?”

I ran towards the tree where I could still see the pink smiling bear, stuck among the branches. When I got there, I prayed the tree hadn’t fallen on top of her and I started looking around the tree for any sign of my sister, when I couldn’t find any trace of her under the tree I was a bit relieved but still panicked. I looked around, calling her name.


I shouted at the top of my lungs into the howling darkness, the thunder was so loud I could barely hear myself calling Elizabeth’s name. A flash of lightning illuminated the once peaceful stream that flowed near our house, to be a now raging river and in the center was a blond little head.


My heart was beating so fast, it felt like it was going to explode out of my chest, my lungs and throat were so raw from trying to breath against the stinging rain and practically screaming for Elizabeth that I kept having hacking coughs, the sucking of the mud made my steps heavier and slower, delaying the time even more and tripping me from the effort of reaching my destination.

Standing at the edge, barely able to see into the darkness and screaming at the top of my lungs,

“Elizabeth, Elizabeth.”

Another flash of lightning and I just caught the top of my little sister’s head before it disappeared into the depths of the river.

Without thinking I jumped into the river and was immediately swept away with the freezing current. I was pulled under, the stream had turned into a monster over night, trying to swallow both my little sister and I whole. I kicked using all my stength to push me towards the surface.

I saw Elizabeth surface again and I kicked with all my might, putting every ounce of strength I had left in my body to get to my little sister. I reached out and grabbed Elizabeth’s hand, pulling her towards me; pushing her head above the water and swam backwards towards the river’s bank. Shoving the unconscious little body of my  five year old little sister onto the bank and out of danger, I tried to raise myself out of the water, feeling my clothes  weighing me down, it was no use, my body was too tired; too strained. I felt my sister move a tiny bit and she started coughing up water, I tried once again to raise myself out of the water but before I could hoist myself out I got knocked away by a floating branch. Feeling my body go numb; sinking to the bottom and being carried away by the raging flow of water. I came to a stop at the bottom of the river, pinned between the river's bed and the massive rock by my waist, I tried pushing the rock off me but I wasn't strong enough, I started flailing about uselessly, straining to get to the surface, fighting for air and failing. I felt the last of my air leave my lungs and I suddenly realized two things in that moment, first was that I had no more strength left in me to fight my way to the surface, or to push the weight of the rock off me and the second was that I was going to die at the bottom of this river. I opened my eyes for the last time, looking up to the surface, where there was an abundance of the precious life giving air, just out of my reach; praying for some miracle to save me, but it never came and the last thing I saw was the smiling face of my sisters pink teddy bear Mr. Happy before my heart stuttered and then stopped, my vision going black.

The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें