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First chapter!😓😰😨

Ariana's P.O.V-

Beep Beep Beep.

I open my eyes as the the object I want to throw at the wall continues it's loud torture.

Today is going to be my first day at the new hell hole I will spend the last 2 years of highschool at.
I hope

I stand up from my bed lazily, not caring about the flying objects around me.

I need to get ready for school, but I need to find the right outfit for my first day.
You know what they say? Dress to impress.

He told me to to keep a low profile, but what does he expect?

I'm already going to be what everyone is talking about. I mean I'm literally starting there at the middle of the school year.

I take a quick shower, wetting my hair.

I dry myself and but on my undergarments. As I set off to look for the perfect outfit.

20 minutes later-

Aaha! I say loudly in my head, I found the perfect outfit.

It's a black pair of high waisted shorts that reach my mid thighs, and a hot pink, glossy crop top that only reaches down to my first set of abs.

I then find my black pair of stilettos and throw them on.
Next. Makeup

I grab my polka dotted bag of make up.
And before you ask, yes I have many more bags.

I'm not a girly girl but I like to look good for myself.

I but on a coat of foundation making my skin look a little lighter. Then I but on some Naked lipstick along with black eyeliner and mascara.

I look hot and I know it.

Then, blow dry my hair and use the straightener to make my hair look good. Grabbing a hairtye and neatly tying the top part of my hair into a ponytail and leaving the bottom loose, I walk out my bedroom but not before I pick up my designer bag made by a world renowned stylist.

I'm ready.

Parked In my Mansion's  driveway which is located in front of my door, a garden and a set of stairs away, is my baby.

There stands my Lamborghini Veneno. The second most expensive car in the world.

The only reason I didn't get the most expensive in the world is because it wasn't my style and it wasn't comfortable.

I ran to my baby as fast as I can in heels which was pretty fast considering what I am, and the fact that I have had YEARS of practice.
While hugging my car a hello, I notice my phone starts ringing.


I immediately decline.

Jessica is the one who exposed me at my old school Silver Union High, I used to live in Montana and she HATED me BC when I came everyone's attention went to me.

Well, I say in my head while chuckling.
Who could blame them?
As I think this, I whip hair to the side cockily.

I'm not self scentered. I just know what I am.

I check my watch.

Oh shit! I'm going to be late.

I walk to the driver's side of my baby and sit down.

Let's go girl!

[At school]

I finally get there.

Great 10 minutes to spare.

I walk out of my car and as I do so everything goes silent.

Everyone's staring at me.
Girls are scowling at me and sending me death glares.

I don't blame them bc some of them are clinging to boys, *coughs* hoes *coughs*
And the boys are paying attention to ME.

Haha. Who cares it's not my fault some boys have sensitive penises.

Aww what's the matter is it getting hard? I think in a baby voice.

I send them a fake smile and walk off like a boss.

I can practically feel them boring holes into my back, so I do the most reasonable thing I can think of...

I raise my hand in the air and stick up my middle finger at the people behind, not even bothering to look back at their angry faces.

That's right don't mess with me.

"Hmm buh-bye" I say in a high pitched voice.

I walk in through the Main Entrance and take in my surroundings.
I need to know my way around here in case they find me.

Looking up at the clock on top of a what I'm guessing is a office, I noticed I'm late for my first class.

Way to go first impression! I say sarcastically.

My schedule I got last week from the school board shows that my first class is Biology, room 208. Great it's Mrs.Sheider.

Found it.

I walk ahead into a door not so far from the bathroom which is right by that office with the clock on top.
And now that I pass by it see it says Principal's Office.

I'm sure I will go in there many times considering my short temper.

I walk into the classroom and immediately everything becomes still. I look at everyone in the classroom. (picture at the top)

They all look nice.
Yeah right.
Most of the girls here look like sluts.
And the boys are all looking at my exposed stomach.

One particular boy catches my attention. He has brown hair and firm features. He is toned and muscular but not so much that it looks ugly.

I can already picture that perfect v lin- what the fuck Ariana! Keep yourself together.

He catches me staring and blushes madly before looking away.

Awwww does the pretty girl make you shy?

I clear my throat.

"Excuse me teacher are you blind?"
I say as I snap my fingers in front of her face bc even after I walked in she kept writing on that damn board.

She fakes a smile BC she knows who I am and what I am. But she knows what will happen if she says anything.

"What​ are you smiling about Mrs.sheider?"

The whole class is focused in me and Mrs.sheider's reactions.

Most of then look scared, and the both of us know of who.
But some look like they are trying to hold back laughter.

I grab her wrist and squeeze it tightly causing her to flinch.
But then I but on a REAL smile and hug her.

"I like you, but please don't expose me." I say as I gently caress her wrists bc I know it hurts.

She looks at me with pity and nods.
"Thanks." I say slightly relieved that I won't have to get rid of her.
I mean she is my favorite teacher from my old school.

Then I look at her warmly.

"Where do I sit Mrs.Sheider?" I finally say out loud.

She smiles at me warmly and scans the room. Her eyes land on the seat next to the boy I was looking at earlier.
"Sabrina, please sit next to Ethan."

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