Keep Me In The Loop

Start from the beginning

That was where he and Roman differed, Roman would say whatever he needed to get a girl on her back and he never cared how they fared after he got in her pants. He always looked out for himself and didn't care who he trampled on to get what he wanted.

He hopped in his truck and rested is head on the steering wheel and blew out a long frustrated breath, he was slowly losing the little hope that he had for a safe return. He pulled the sun visor down and grabbed the worn picture from it and ran his fingers over it.

It was from an FOP picnic from a few years ago, London was just a toddler and she sat in Kim's lap a slice of watermelon bigger than her head in her hands. Juice from the fruit dripping down her chin and her blue eyes shining brightly. She was the cutest kid he had ever laid eyes on.

Kim wore a smile that caused his hear to race, and she was breathtakingly beautiful.

He tucked it safely back in the visor before heading for the district.

Denial wasn't just river in Egypt.

He was done denying it.

To everyone.

To himself.

He still loved Kim with all his heart and his  heart would shatter if this didn't end well.

Kim had never felt such immense pain, she was exhausted physically and mentally. Every inch of her body ached, she felt as if she was adrift in a turbulent ocean, and there wasn't a buoy or life line in sight.

She hadn't left the 21st in four days. She couldn't leave, she wouldn't step foot in her house until her daughter was with her. She had been given access to Commander Crowley's office and personal bathroom, including a shower stall.

Erin had gone over the house to gather some current photos of London, she knew Kim wasn't going home anytime soon so she packed a bag for her.

Kim could no longer handle the looks her colleagues were giving her, they were looks of sympathy and sadness. She was certain most of the 21st had already written London off for dead and it angered her.

She had wandered through the district and was a bit surprised to find herself in the locker room.

She had no destination in mind when she started walking around, she had just needed to be alone. The commander was in and out of the office, she had apologized profusely each time she had went and Kim hated it.

Now she stood in front of Adam's locker resting her palm on it, she could smell is cologne through the locker. The saying less is more had been lost on Adam and it seemed that he bathed in the cologne.

She knew why her feet had carried her into the locker room.


It was Adam.

She had been comforted by him in this very room after the warehouse ordeal her and Sean had gone through years ago, and then again after she had shot that kid. Adam didn't care that they had broken up, he just wanted to comfort her. He wanted to let her know he had her back.

He had her back, and she had put a knife in his.

She moved to sit down in front of the locker and pulled her knees to her chest and cried her eyes out, she longed to feel her daughter's arms around her neck.

"We need more missing posters" Adam told a patrol officer at the desk, he set the folder on the counter, "get them copied and make sure every patrol unit has some at shift change."

"Will do, Ruzek." He smiled politely, "How's Burgess holding up?"

"How do you think?" Adam slapped the desk with his hand, "I'm going to changed, get those copies ASAP." He could hear his shoes squeak as he walked, he was drenched.

Adam grabbed a drink from the fridge and chugged it in just a gulps tossing it in the recycle bin just outside the locker room.

As he pulled the door open he heard a muffled cry.

He knew exactly who it was..he knew that cry.

He stood rooted in place for the briefest of moments before backing out of the room and closing the door softly.

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