Chapter 10

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Hours passed since she and Wyatt kissed. He was now back in his hospital room and she was laying in silence in hers. Caitlyn had told her of all the people waiting to see her, but she dismissed it. Lucy didn't want people crowding her, she only woke up hours ago. As she was lost in thought she realized her pain medication has begun to fade.

     Pain struck her hard in the left side. Lucy felt like she could pass out as the pain increased little by little. She gently touched her side, but that only inflamed her injury. She lifted her hospital gown instead and looked at the mark. A large chuck of her side was outlined in stitches, forming half of a heart. She smiled a little, maybe someone somewhere had the other half. She laughed at the idea and slowly reached for the call button.

       Caitlyn walked in almost instantly and she had medication and some food. Lucy smiled gratefully and took the medication before eating.

     "Lucy," a voice suddenly called as she swallowed her food. She gave the nurse a puzzled look and before she knew it Noah burst into the room. Lucy's breathing hitched slightly at the sight of Noah. He looked exhausted and out of breath. He hurriedly came to her side.

      "Noah," she finally managed, still in shock, "What-what are you doing in here?"

       He smiled at her and gently took her hand and stroked the back of it. He breathed a sigh before answering her. "I-I needed to see that you were alright," he said as Caitlyn back away to give them space.

      Lucy hesitated before speaking, not trusting her voice completely, "No-Noah, that is sweet, b-." She didn't quite know what else to say. Noah's smile faltered for a second before his smile turned small.

      "I know that we are sort of taking a break, or whatever you want to call it, but I love you Lucy. I just needed to know you were okay," he seemed sincere and she was at a loss for words. They sat there staring at each and he began to lean in. Lucy turned away awkwardly trying to avoid his kiss.

       "Sorry to break this up," Caitlyn piped up nervously, "but security is coming this way and I don't want Lucy to be crowded." Saved, Lucy thought with a sigh of relief. Noah nodded to Caitlyn's words and kissed Lucy on the cheek before walking to the door. He left with security without complaint and Caitlyn followed after. Lucy was left with her thoughts.


     Wyatt was still smiling like a fool in his hospital room. He and Lucy had kissed and it felt great. He had forgotten what it felt like to have soft lips on his again. Ever since Jessica's death he had closed himself off, but with Lucy it was different. She was different. Wyatt's smile broadened as he sat up straight in his bed. It was getting late, but he didn't want to sleep. As he took in a breath, still thinking of Lucy, a pang of pain hit him. He winced and slowly touch his right side.

     Wyatt had had many injuries from his time serving, but when he pulled up his shirt he was surprised. His stitches had formed a half heart. He shook his head with a grin on his face. It might be cliché, he thought, but someone else might have the other half to match. He chuckled to himself at the thought.

       "Mister Logan," a nurse said quietly as she entered his room. He looked in her direction and noticed she was carrying a tray of food. Behind her was Rufus grinning at him as he walked into the room. "Visiting hours are over, but seeing is how you requested this visit you have ten minutes," she said roughly as she placed the tray on the side table next to Wyatt. He nodded and she went to stand outside of the door.

        "Hey," Rufus said to him pulling a chair next to his bed, "They told us Lucy was awake, but didn't want visitors."

        Wyatt nodded, "I know. I, um, went to see her." Wyatt's face got a little hot as blood rushed to his cheeks. Rufus started to grin.

        "She asked for you didn't she? Damn, I owe Jiya $20," he chuckled. Wyatt smirked raising an eyebrow.

       "Y'all bet on this," he questioned giving a soft chuckle himself.

       Rufus nodded sheepishly, "We had a bet on whether she would ask for you immediately or not. I thought she might want to see her mom first." Wyatt smiled, she wanted to see him before anyone, which he already knew.

       The two sat in silence for a bit before Rufus spoke, "Was it terrifying?"

       "Was what terrifying," Wyatt asked leaning back of his pillows. Rufus swallowed before working up the courage to ask again.

       "Was it terrifying going to that cabin and rescuing her," he asked again quietly. Wyatt swallowed and closed his eyes trying not to recall every detail of that cabin.

        "Yeah, but I wasn't terrified of going. I was terrified for Lucy's safety," he took a shaky breath, "I don't know what I would've done if I was too late." Rufus nodded along to his words. Wyatt opened his eyes and put on a small smile, "But we have her back now and we are going to keep it that way."

       Rufus smiled, "We are. Well I'll leave you to rest." He stood from the chair and pushed it back against the wall before walking to the door. The nurse jumped and blushed before leading the way back for Rufus. Wyatt sighed and closed his eyes again. Thoughts bustled in and out of his mind about Lucy and the cabin. He never wants to lose her again and that when he realized he was in love with Lucy Preston.

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