Chapter 4

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"God damnit," Flynn cursed, pure rage flickered across his face. He kicked nearest wall. Their situation was not ideal, Lucy kidnapped by one of Flynn's men, the Mothership gone, and the fact they might have to work together.

Wyatt's fury had no way lessened and he still had his gun pointed at Flynn. Rage surged through his veins, he had lost Lucy.

"Wyatt, we should get going. Lucy will most likely be in present day," Rufus urged, pulling lightly on Wyatt's shirt. With one last glare Wyatt started to back himself and Rufus up, keeping this gun pointed at the men.

Once Flynn realized they were walking away he raised his gun. "Where do you think you're going. We need a ride back to 2016."

"That's a shame. I-we need Lucy back, but since your men took her-" Wyatt stopped mid sentence realizing that the sirens they heard were starting to draw nearer. A few seconds later the lights were visible, all of the men started to run. Wyatt and Rufus were heading in the direction of the lifeboat and Flynn and his men were going the other way.

Thirty minutes tops and they were at the lifeboat. Rufus sucked in more air, winded. Wyatt tried to slow his breathing as well before the hatch of the lifeboat opened. When they were in the lifeboat, Wyatt felt emptiness in his chest when he didn't see Lucy's beautiful face in front of him. Rufus, however, wasted no time jumping them back to 2016. Though the trip was short many things ran through his mind. How was he going to get his Lucy back?

The machine shuttered as it touched down inside Mason Industries. Both men took a breath before opening the door. Wyatt stepped out and then Rufus, everyone took notice their historian was not with them. Agent Christopher, Connor Mason, and Jiya were the first to approach them. All three were in pure shock, that's when the questions started to fly.

Rufus tried to keep them calm and wanted to take the discuss somewhere more private. Agent Christopher said the conference room, where they were normally briefed on missions. Wyatt nodded and followed her up, trailing behind was Rufus, Jiya, and Mason.

"Now, where the hell is Lucy," Agent Christopher demanded as Mason closed the conference door. Wyatt's heart plummeted.

"We don't know. She was kidnapped," Wyatt started, taking in a shaky breath, "One of Flynn's men-"

Rufus butted in, "Green I think it was. A man named Green."

Wyatt nodded, "She was taken by this man named Green. Held a gun to her head and ran off. We don't know what he wants, but he took the Mothership." Once Wyatt finished his explanation it was silent. It stayed silent in that room until Jiya stood.

"I can try and trace the Mothership. I don't guarantee anything, but it's worth a shot," everyone in the conference room nodded and she left without another word. Wyatt felt like he needed to break something, he excused hisself and went to the wardrobe dock.


Lucy felt like the weight of the world was put onto her chest. She felt exhausted and like she was unable to function. The events that took place before this flooded her memory. The man, Wyatt yelling her name, and the Mothership. Lucy needed to know where that man had taken her. She put the the energy she could muster into trying to open her eyes.

Lucy's eyes felt like lead as she blinked them open all the way. Once her eyes were open she realized she was in a chair, tied to a chair. Her hands were bound behind the chair and each of her ankles were tied to the legs of the chair. Lucy struggled against them. Her attention was pulled away from her bound hands when she saw was the man sitting in a chair in front of her. He had dark hair, an unkept beard that reminded her of Wyatt, and he didn't look older then 40.

"Ah, the princess has finally woken," he said, "Now we can finally have a proper introduction. I'm Roland." He smiled a little, but Lucy kept a stern look on her face. She was less than amused.

"That's alright, you don't have to tell me your name Lucy," Roland continued standing from his seat across from her.

"Why did you kidnap me exactly," Lucy demanded glaring at Roland. He chuckled a little.

"To get revenge," he stated simply. Lucy wore a puzzled look on her face.


"Not on you, on Wyatt Logan." Lucy heart began to race when he mentioned Wyatt.

"What did Wyatt do," she pressed. He smirked dragging his chair closer to her and sitting down. The smell of alcohol on his breath made Lucy pull back from his as best she could.

"Wyatt left my brother to die. My brother was my best friend and Wyatt could have helped him home. But no," Roland's gaze drifted from Lucy to the floor. "My other died and Wyatt Logan was given a medal for leaving them. I swore I would make his life a living hell." Roland laughed maniacally looking Lucy in the eyes once more.

Lucy's heart was beating faster, "What did you do?" Roland sent an evil smirk her way.

"I killed someone he loved and now I've kidnapped someone he is close to," Roland laughed and stood from his chair once more. "I'm going to get another beer," was all he said before walking to the only door in the room.

Lucy's breathing hitched, he was Jessica's killer. He was the one that ruined Wyatt's life. Lucy struggled against her bonds, she had to get out of this mess. She had to get back to Wyatt.

Timeless: A Change in Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें