Chapter 3

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"Don't move," a new voice hissed behind the trio as Lucy felt the barrel of a gun pressed against her back. Her left arm was yanked behind her just as Wyatt had turned around. His gun was pointed at the man who held her roughly.

"Let her go," he growled narrowing his eyes. Rufus moved out of the way and behind Wyatt, not wanting to be in the middle of cross fire.

The man that held Lucy moved the gun from the small of her back to her temple. She started to tremble when the cold barrel touch her head. Wyatt's knuckles whitened as he tightened his grip on his gun.

"Not a chance Logan," the man spat out stepping back slightly. Wyatt stepped forward ready to take a shot at the mans shoulder when shouts rang out through the street. The man tugged Lucy farther down the sidewalk as Flynn and his men came up around the corner. The group stopped abruptly when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Green, is that you," one of Flynn's men said after moments of the group looking at each other.

"You know this man," Rufus said with a disgusted look on his face. Before anyone could answer sirens started to echo off the building. The man that held Lucy started to run pulling her along.

"Wyatt," Lucy shouted drawing his attention back to her. Fear struck him and he began to run after the man, Rufus in tow.

"Lucy," Wyatt yelled in agony, only the worst thoughts coming to mind if he couldn't reach her in time. No, he scolded himself as he continued to run, I'll get to her.

"No, let go of me," he faintly heard Lucy tell the man as they turned a street corner. Wyatt sped up, rounded the corner, but they were gone. Wyatt's heart sank, "Lucy," he cried again. Rufus stumbled behind him breathing heavily.

"Are they gone," Rufus muttered. Wyatt had nothing to say and went back in the direction they came from. He still saw Flynn and his men at the end of the street and he sent a warning shot their way. He was so furious, it took every ounce of him not to shoot Flynn.

"Where is she," he hissed as he got closer to the men. Flynn shook his head shrugged his shoulders drawing his gun.

"Sir, where's Anthony," that caught Flynn's attention and he started to look around wildly. Anthony was gone and that could only mean one thing: he was with the Mothership.


"Now, I'm going to remove my hand and you are going to stay silent unless you want a bullet to the brain," Roland uttered quietly to Lucy. He had dragged her down another alley and forced her to be silent as she listened to Wyatt call her.

After he removed his dirty hand from her mouth, he dragged her to the opening of the alley. "Are ride should be at the nearest park. Come on," he demanded yanking her. She stayed silent but continued to struggle.

Roland hurriedly walked down different streets with Lucy until he found a park that was pitch black. Lucy kept trying to plant her feet but it turned out to be useless every time. Lucy's mind kept drifting back to Wyatt and how he would want her to keep fighting.

"Where are you taking me," Lucy demanded in a whisper after they stood waiting in the park.

"Back to 2016, of course," he said as those it was the most obvious thing in the world. She didn't have time to reply before the Mothership appeared in front of them. Lucy tried to escape his grasp, but before she knew it she was in the Mothership. He strapped her in and she was filled with rage. Telling herself only Wyatt was allowed to do that.

"You know where to go," Roland told Anthony before shifting his gaze to Lucy. "You can't know where we are going."

Lucy's breathing hitched and she tried to undo her seat belt. Before should could undo it completely something covered her mouth. She fell limp and the machine vanished from the deserted park of Boston.

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