Chapter 5

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Wyatt paced the wardrobe dock blaming himself. If he had just been paying attention she wouldn't be gone. This is just like when Jess disappeared. Oh no, he thought, he could kill Lucy. He couldn't handle that he would have been at fault for the death of two people he cared deeply about. Wyatt punched the nearest wall and a whole formed.

"Woah," he heard Rufus breath out. He had been so deep in his thoughts he didn't hear anyone enter.

"Oh, hello," Wyatt said no emotion in his voice. Rufus nodded and gestured to the entrance.

"We are getting close. The Mothership went back to 1894, most likely to get Flynn. It should be back in 2016 now," Rufus rambled. Wyatt only nodded and followed Rufus out of the wardrobe dock. Wyatt didn't have the strength to say anything, only to find Lucy.

"Rufus, Wyatt," Jiya exclaimed shakily, "We, uh, got a message on Lucy."

Wyatt's heart did a back flip before he rushed over to her computer. Her expression was sad and she opened a file. The file contained a single picture of Lucy unconscious, tied to a chair, and a sign in her lap. She didn't appear to be harmed, which was a relief to Wyatt. His eyes drifted to the sign and it said "I have a bone to pick with Wyatt Logan call:" a number was listed below.

Wyatt's eyes narrowed and he pulled out his phone and dialed the number. Before he pressed call he told Jiya to track the call. She listened and prepared herself just as he pressed call. It took three rings before it was answered.

"Wyatt Logan, I was hoping to get a call from you," the man said, "I'm Roland Green. I believe you worked with a man named Green-"

"You son of a bitch," Wyatt shot out before Roland could finish. "I want to know where you took Lucy and what you have done to her!"

Roland laughed at Wyatt's misery, "Ah, Lucy she has been a real doll."

That riled Wyatt up and he started to curse him out, "When I found you you are going to wish you were never born."

"When you find me you are going to wish the same thing," Roland said bitterly. "I'll tell Lucy you said hello," that was the last thing said before the call ended.

"Got it," Jiya said, Rufus and Wyatt leaned down to see the computer. It was a house in a neighborhood miles from Mason Industries.

"Got what," a new voice said over their shoulders. Agent Christopher was behind the trio arms folded.

"We just called the man who abducted Lucy and have traced his phone signal to this location," she pointed at her computer screen.

"I'm going to get her," Wyatt spoke up.

Agent Christopher shook her head, "You are bringing a SWAT team with you Master Sergeant."

Wyatt nodded and Agent Christopher made a call. He had to go arm himself and save his girl.


An hour passed and the SWAT team Agent Christopher had called in had arrived at Mason Industries. There were more than twenty men waiting for Wyatt to give them directions. In the blink on an eye they were on their way to Roland's house. Wyatt's teeth grind as the SWAT cars travel down the road. Finally, after an eternity of driving they arrived. Wyatt was the first out of the car, gun ready, and his hand on the trigger.

"Alright men," Wyatt shouted to the other cars as the men exited, "When we enter no harm is to come to the captive. Wait, for firing orders."

The men he saw nodded and they secured the perimeter. Wyatt and two other men went to the door. In second it was knocked down and they were greeted by darkness. No lights were on and no noise was heard. Wyatt signaled the other men to enter and the secured the interior. No one was in the house.

"Master Sergeant," a SWAT member shouted from the kitchen. Wyatt hurriedly walked in and saw a man holding a note. He snatched it from him and read it:


Whoops. Wrong House. Better Luck next time and you better hurry Lucy's life in on the line.


Wyatt glared at the sheet of paper, crumbling it up. This man was taunting him with Lucy. He was going to pay for taking her way from him.

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