What Is Really There

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At one point I looked in the mirror hating every part of my body. My hair was too short, fat stomach, flat chest, bad smile, ugly face....ect. I could go on for hours about what flaw I saw in myself. I hated my whole body then, one morning I just stared at myself and realized imtrying too hard to be what/who I think other people want me to be! Seeing the magazines, movies, the videos and everywhere I looked girls my age where skinner, prettier, and smarter. It made me feel worthless. Even at my own school I felt out of place because I wasnt like the skinny, pretty, and smart girls. I would put on makeup hopeing it would cover the fact that I wasnt as pretty or 'hot' as the onther girls. I wasnt comfertable  with the way my body looked so I would wear big jackets and lose cloths.

Looking at myself now i can see that beautiful girl everyone says they see! I can finnaly see the real me that had been hiding because she was afraid to be judged. But the only person judging her was herself! I can see that now it doesnt matter whats on the outside because we are all different but what reall matters is whats on the inside. No matter how much makeup a girl puts on it will not change what really matters, there inner beauty, i have found that girls who wear mor makeup lack self confidance even if they dont say it.

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