What If I Lose Her

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I think about her day in and day out, my sister. My closest friend! The girl has been through a lot with me. I think about us drifting apart. And never speaking again. When i wake up in the middle of the night and cant fall asleep i think of what it would be like to have her jist never talk to me again. We have been there for each
other. I think about our first sleepover how we didnt fall asleep until the sun rose and some of the other sleepovers where we declared war on my brothe and his friend. Where we played newspaper war for so long. And we played on the game cube switching off turn. I remmeber staying up all night with her and i remember scar face and shirt face and her happy birthday song. I remember when we hung out almost everday. We saw each other everyday. I remeber playing basket ball across the street. I remmeber selling cookie dough to people in the apartments. I remember dog sitting and getting ice cream from the ice cream man. I remember climing in the tree with a hammock and watching the sunset before dinner. I remember first meeting her. There are so many memories i could go on and on but the thing i remember the most was leaving. That was the hardest thing. I hated the idea of moving because i knew i would be leaving you. But not the great memories. All i want is for us to be able to make more memories. Not for us to just stop talking to each other. I miss her so much it hurts! I cry because of it. When i saw her last october it was amazing. And i want more times like those happy memories, i dont want the memories of me crying because i lost touch with my sister. I think about her everyday!

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