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Everyone at camp stared. A fiery light lit up the sky as something fell. And it kept falling. It was going to land inside the barrier. They had never heard or seen anything like this. The magic surrounding the camp was supposed to keep them safe, from monsters or ordinary things. This was no natural meteor.

As it got closer, maybe a few hundred feet from the ground it suddenly slowed and the fire began to disperse. It wasn't a meteor...it looked like a hooded angel!

The campers all stood in awe and some in fear as well. This must be a god, but which one? Not many had wings. When he, because it was obviously a he from his posture and body style, landed three people approached him.

"Who are you...mi'lord?" asked a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes.

His head snapped to her. "I'm...Michael. Call me Michael. It is my surname where I'm from. For now, my identity will have to remain secret as I'm not entirely sure how the Fates will take me interfering so much. But I will explain everything at the campfire tonight, if that is alright with you, Chiron?"

The centaur looked surprised that this man knew his name. "How do you know my name? I know you are no god. I would recognize you and few wear hoods to hide their identities or would chance angering the Fates."

"I know you because you have trained me many times in past lives. But as I said. I shall explain at the campfire tonight. There is only one thing I am here to do...I'm here to protect Annabeth from anything or anyone that might cause her harm."

Chiron's eyes widened. "No...you can't be," he muttered.

Michael eyed the old teacher, "I'm afraid I probably am what you think I am, mentor."

"She doesn't need your help or protection! She has me!" A shout rang out.

Michael turned very slowly to the boy that stepped forward. Before he could say anything though, "The hell I do! Get away from me Daniel. You and your sick obsession with me and my daughter needs to stop. I don't need anyone to protect me."

Michael's head jerked back imperceptibly. "You have a daughter? I wasn't privy to this information. Though it changes little, I will add her as well. I wish they would have told me about a daughter."

"Who's they?" Annabeth asked him.

"They is more of a relative term. The Council and Lady Chaos. They govern us. And want me to take over as the head of the Michael's family...but all in due time. At the fire tonight I will tell it in a story. In return, I ask you tell me about the camp, and more about yourself, Annabeth. Just so I know who I am to be looking out for."

"Hey, I said I was here to protect her!"

Michael's gaze turned back to the boy, Daniel. "You think you can protect her? What gives you the right to even think that you can. I know your kind, kid. You want what you can't have. You better be happy HE isn't the one who came here. You wouldn't be walking away from this encounter alive."

"Who's he?" Annabeth asked, hope in her eyes.

"You know. He will be here, before the end. Its just...too early. I-He can't be here yet." Michael hoped no one caught the slip, but none of them seemed to realize it. "Well that's enough for now. How about we get back to whatever it is that you do now?"

Everyone looked like they wanted to object but Chiron spoke up and sent them about their activities. Annabeth staid back with Michael, as did a few others. Namely Piper, Leo, Calypso, Jason, and Nico. They all stared at him intensely. "You...they sent him to you guys didn't they? You are the ones that took him."

"Took whom?" Michael asked.

"Our friend. Percy Jackson."

Michael winced, though they couldn't see it under the hood. "Ah. Yes. Well, his story is a very interesting one. Look, I'm going to tell the story of our greatest warriors tonight. And that's not my opinion. I'm just required to. Its not common that we reveal ourselves. Typically we remain invisible and do our duties to protect in secrecy.

"Unfortunately, with circumstances being as they are, I had to be here in presence, not that I'm complaining. Meeting some of you guys and you eventually learning what you are will be a treat.

Archangels of Chaos (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now