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There are many ways to identify if your child is going through puberty: when they start growing hair under their arms, on their face, or on their more private places, when their voice starts changing, or if they're a girl, when their "Aunt Flow" comes for an unexpected visit. However, these distinguishing factors don't apply to the Werewolf community. There is only one way to distinguish those who are adults from those who are children: shifting.

On your eighteenth birthday, every Were shifts. It is supposed to be one of the most excruciating, yet liberating thing to ever occur to us Weres. Breaking every single bone in your body, feels exactly how it sounds: gruesome. At least during the first shift it is. I heard it doesn't really hurt after, but that's just hearsay.

Tomorrow June 23rd, is not only the last day of school, but it's also me and my two best friend's eighteenth birthday. I am terribly nervous because not only will I be prone to shift at any given time, my brother will be leaving to lead another pack. His mate's.

Mates are another important aspect of the Werewolf community. They are your literal other half. They are the moon goddess' creation for you alone. They build you up when you are down and are your rock in a hard place. You will be hooked the very moment your eyes meet and they the same.

Mates were instituted to guarantee the existence of our kind. Turning eighteen breaks the unseen barrier that was preventing you from finding your mate. There are three stages in mating.

1. Your initial meeting: Once your gazes lock your fate has been sealed.

2. The marking: The male wolf marks the female wolf to signify to other male wolves her unavailability. She is yours and yours alone.

3. The mating: After meeting your mate, in about two weeks or so, the female will enter heat. She will smell so delectable and so ripe for picking, like nothing you, or any unmated male Were, have ever smelled before. Your wolf will go crazy with want and need to take his mate. Her wolf will be incredibly aroused over the simplest things. The male will grow unbearably jealous and possessive to any male Were near his mate. Marking your mate is the only way for other Weres to back off. This stage of mating is how we guarantee repopulation because the pull to your mate will be so strong and she'll grow increasingly hot and burn with a need that only you can saturate and extinguish.

However, like everything in life,there is a loophole: rejection. This is very rare in our community, but it does occur.

Tomorrow, not only will I turn 18, shift, be vulnerable to finding my mate, be losing my brother, but I will take over my father's position as the Alpha of the Darkmoon Pack. Nervous doesn't even begin to describe the anxiety I feel.

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