Heartbreak resolve

Start from the beginning

"I already know you fell in love with him, but I want to know what he meant to you. Like, how serious were you about him...? What would you have done for him...? What did he mean to you as a person?" Lucy questioned. Meredy realized she had never thought about it herself. What did he mean to her as a person. "Forget it." She said seeing Meredy's pained face. "Don't force yourself. I was just curious."

"No... I just never really thought about it, that's all." Meredy said. She knew she was in love with him, but never once thought about any of that because she didn't think she ever had a chance with him. How far would she go with him? Would she go all the way? Would she have moved fast, or slowly? What would she have done for him? What would she have done with him? She couldn't stop thinking about it. She wanted an answer, but couldn't find one anywhere.

"Are you alright?" Lucy asked. "You don't look too good." She placed a hand on Meredy's forehead. "Wow, you seem to be running a fever." She said. "Guess you haven't been getting much sleep have you?" Meredy nodded. Ever since she heard about Natsu's condition worsening and him having no chance, she hasn't been able to get any sleep. It was a combination of pain that prevented sleep. The shock of losing him hurt her mentally, but ever since then, her heart has also been hurting, tremendously. It was like someone was grabbing it and squeezing it, but not allowing it to break, just making her suffer.

While Meredy and Lisanna had taken Natsu's death badly, Happy is most likely suffering the most. Happy not only lost his closet friend, he had lost his precious partner and family. Everyone in Fairy Tail considered Natsu family, but not in the way Happy did. The two were inseparable, not just like a father and son, but more like brothers. When his body was stolen, Happy was the first to go looking for him, not even telling anyone else what happened. Even now, he was searching for him, refusing to give up. He had stopped flying so he could explore every nook and cranny, making sure he didn't miss a single spot.

"You should rest for a while, Happy." Charle said, landing next to the blue cat alongside Pantherlily.

"I can't give up, I won't give up!" Happy said.

"We're not asking you to give up, we're just asking you to get some rest." Pantherlily stated. Both him and Charle were worried about him greatly. Happy had been searching for Natsu ever since his body was taken, not even resting for a second. Pantherlily was worried Happy might hurt himself by doing this. He knew Happy was strong, but everyone has their limits. "So, let's go back to the guild and rest for a whi-"

"I won't stop till I find him!" Happy interrupted, practically yelling. "I can't stop-" He was interrupted by Charle, who slapped him across the face.

"Just shut up already!" She yelled. "Stop acting like he's the only one important to you!" Happy looked at her angerly. She grabbed him by the strap around his neck and pulled his face close to hers. "Snap out of it." She said, calming down a bit. "Don't push yourself so much..." She let go of his strap, wrapping her arms around him. Happy broke down, crying. Ever since new of Natsu's condition, everyone had been worrying about Lisanna and the others, but no one tried to console him. Even though he was the one who was most likely hurt the most, no one had helped him, making him lose sight of what mattered. He could only think about Natsu and no one else. "Please just come back for a bit and rest." She nuzzled her nose against his, calming him. Pantherlily smiled knowing he was at least calm. He headed back to the guild, not wanting to spoil the mood for them.

"Where were you?" Gajeel asked as Pantherlily walked in.

"Finding Happy with Charle." He responded. He followed the iron dragon slayer around the guild, talking about what he was doing in more detail. "I think he was acting that way because no one tried to help him in his time of need. But he should be better now." Pantherlily finished his explanation. He and Gajeel continued to talk, mostly about what they did that day.

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