A message in the grass

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Okay, so this is the last one. It's more of a message than a letter though. I want sure how to end this one, but this is what I came up with. Not really Star-Warsy, but it obviously couldn't be. To answer a frequently asked question: will I be turning this into a full fanfic? Yes, eventually. Don't put this fanfic away to far because this is where I'll post the notification when the full fanfic is up. It's going to be called An Imperial's Path. Anyway, here's the last one. Enjoy!


A message in the grass

I'm home, Grandpa. I wait for you at the usual place. Things are different now and I need your advice. I survived.
Kaia, just Kaia.

The old man smiled and shook his head in exasperation when he noticed the message made of sticks and arranged to from aurabesh letters in the grass where he normally went to untie the tame crossbreed-wolf that belonged to his granddaughter. He glanced at the creature with gleaming silver fur and yellow eyes, she seemed to be watching him. Deyla, as Kaia had named her, had always seemed too smart for her own good in his opinion and right now the wolf was carefully guarding the message that her Master had left behind in the grass. The wolf looked up at him, the look in her eyes questioning and the old man nodded:
-Yes, girl. You can do what she told you now.
Deyla gave an excited bark and instantly scattered the message through the grass before looking up at the old man expectantly. The old man patted the wolf's head absentmindedly and chuckled:
-I knew she'd make it. It takes a lot to keep her down, doesn't it, girl?
The genetically altered wolf barked her agreement. The old man rubbed the back of his head and glanced back at the sleeping ranch:
-Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to meet a certain ex-stromtrooper who kept sending us letters instead of holos. You coming, Deyla?
The creature barked excitedly when the old man flipped the switch to deactivate the field that kept Deyla from running away from the farm. The old man quietly left the ranch with a tame wolf at his side. Letters from a stormtrooper indeed... The old man smiled:
-That girl is one of a kind. I wonder what path she will choose now...

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