Letter 10: Day Off

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Yes, I'm sorry this took so long but the usual culprits are behind that. I've been very caught up in writing Light's Brink as well so I've been busy. Enjoy!


Letter 10: Day off

Dear Mum and Dad,
I'm glad you're both doing better now and so is the old man. You had me really worried when I heard you'd been caught in the crossfire from Reg. I'm so relieved you're all fine... If I'd lost you...I don't know what I'd do. Ok, Kaia, that's enough gloominess for one letter!
   I was actually ordered to take today off - command says they can't have anyone from the IITE falling sick. Maybe it's for the best, that uncomfortable sensation had been getting worse lately. It's like something that was locked away is breaking out. Could it be the side effects of my illness? I doubt it. Anyway, I decided to wear the dress you sent me for my birthday since walking around town in standard uniform would be uncomfortable and there are no rules against wearing whatever we want while off duty.  I was supposed to meet Tess to vent to her about a certain somebody. To be honest I miss those days when we were just regular Stormtroopers together - it was much simpler, now I'm the head of the IITE unit and Tessa is a sniper in the Blackhand squadron. In any case, my day didn't go as planned - first Tess bails on me, then I run into Arcan and Reg who are also on break (was Lars the only one on duty then?!) and then Reg disappears mysteriously while I'm sorting stuff out with Tessa. Basically Arcan and I ended up having our down time together for whatever reason.
     It was actually a lot of fun. Until while in the refresher I overheard two of my senior officers talking about prisoners in the detention center. From what I heard something weird was happening there and remember those three juveniles? Apparently they were executed for treason! But I thought they'd been sent home after being called into command a second time when Lord Vader was here... I don't understand. Something's gone wrong. That encrypted file, Theron being able to resist the Inquisitors interrogation (what method did they use anyhow?), that weird sensation within me - I feel like it's all connected, but it doesn't mean anything good. I can't sit by and do nothing anymore! I know this is stupid, but I'm going to do some investigating. That is if I can get away from Arcan's watchful gaze.
    Stay safe. I'll write back when I can. I don't know what's going, but I don't like it so be careful.
From your daughter Kaia or Lieutenant Jarrde

P.S. Give the attached letter to the old man, please. It's for his eyes only. Love you.


Hey, Grandpa.
It's weird writing to a person who I haven't spoken properly to in years. We're both very stubborn, aren't we? I'd say I take after you in that regard. Listen, maybe this is too little too late, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry. We may not agree on everything, but that's because we both saw different things as we lived. A few years ago I'd probably say that you were being senile when you told me I should stay on Bakura, but now I feel as though you were only trying to protect me and I'm sorry for the way I acted. A little older, a little wiser I guess.
     The apology was only the first part of the letter, however it's not the main reason I wrote. Grandpa, I know you're hiding something. Something that is very important and not to the Empire, but to me. I don't know why you're hiding whatever it is. I'm not exactly sure how I know that, but lately I've been having strange dreams - dreams that involve you albeit a little younger you. There's also men in armour that resembles our stormtrooper armour - are those the clones? They're frequently there and yet one of them pops up more often than others. There's also a woman, she looks like a Jedi. Grandpa, these dreams don't feel like dreams - they feel like they're real, like this all happened. Don't tell mum and dad about this though, they worry about me too much as it is. Grandpa, just what are you hiding?
    There's also something else that I want to warn you about, but I can't tell my parents this. When I said I'd investigate I meant that I'm going to break into the Imperial security center here on Mandolore and the supercommandos be damned. Arcan says he's coming with me and it doesn't seem like I can dissuade him. I'm worried, Grandpa, but I can't sit by and do nothing. Just in case something goes wrong: I love all of you so much and I would give my life for yours. Tell me the truth though Grandpa: Am I doing the right thing trying to untangle this whole mess? I'm lost.

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