Letter 4: Rebels and Death

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Hey, I'm back! Sorry this took a while but I had a stroke of inspiration for my full fanfiction: Light's brink so I updated it for a while. Anyway I finished this letter and to be honest I felt more than a little down after I wrote it. Darn it,Kaia! Don't infect me with your mood. Enjoy!

Pic of Kaia (it sucks, I know)---->>>


Letter 4: Rebels

Dear Mum and Dad,
How are you? Is the old geezer any better? I knew that one of his rants against our empire would lead to this! The insolence! Honestly, the nerve of some people! I swear this galaxy is full of ungrateful ignorant idiots!
Ugh. I apologise for my words but as you may have picked up- I am very very angry. Why? Well, that's fairly simple: this morning my group and I apprehended some insolent, moronic government enemies! The real rebels! I suppose I should be happy that they're no longer running about and wreaking havoc or at least they won't be for much longer nut right now I am far too furious to care. But let me begin at the start.
This morning the boys and I went out on our early morning patrol as per usual. We were passing the power core as we always do when Arcan, the most observant in our group, noticed one of the alarms in the upper levels flashing. We went in to investigate- there was seemingly no one. The boys wanted to resume our patrol and claimed that the system was probably malfunctioning but my intuition told me otherwise. I was right. A moment later a group of people jumped us. They were armed and they had that rumoured crest on their shoulders- the crest of the supposed "rebel alliance". We engaged in a firefight. And before I continue can I just say that the boys are terrible shots! I made a better shot when I was 3 and the old geezer was teaching me the basics! Naturally, most of the work ended up being dumped onto me. Arcan and Reg managed to hit two people but that was probably by accident. Out of the original 10 of us only 4 survived- including me. Those four were: Lars, Arcan, Reg and me. We were horribly outnumbered even though from approximately the 15 insurgents 6 were dead. 9 to 4, and considering that I'm the only one who can make a decent shot - I thought we were screwed for a moment there. Before Lars came up with his great plan, that is. He had the Arcan and Reg plant detonators below the platform the rebels were standing on while I drew their fire. Dangerous, I know. But they were still obviously not done with the core and we had to stop them somehow. If the core were to go down - the whole capital would freeze and go dark. Do you know how many accidents and deaths could happen?! I was not about to let that happen. When the rebel scum (pardon the language) noticed that they had bombs beneath their feet it was almost too late. Their leader, a fairly young guy, shouted at them to run but only four got away. The rest? Well, the leader survived along with two others, the other two were blown to pieces. Unfortunately for me though, the blast managed to knock the boys unconscious and I had to face the last three alone. I was never more grateful for grandpa teaching me those weird forms. I managed to put the other two out of commission fairly quickly but there leader was trouble. I don't know what it was but there was something off about him. Anyway he seemed to be a great fighter - he matched me well. We fought for a few minutes in hand to hand combat (let me tell you that I will never again do that in this damn getup!) and we were evenly matched, that's when the darn helmet started getting in my way. So that's when I did the logical thing - I threw it off. The fact that I was a girl seemed to catch him off guard and he hesitated. That was the opening I needed. I knocked him out cold. I honestly didn't have the energy to chase after the last three so I just contacted my superiors. They arrived rather quickly (thankfully I managed to put my helmet back on beforehand - I'd hate to know what happened if they had caught me without it) and arrested all three of the unconscious rebels. My squad commander praised me - that was a great moment. The boys and I were sent to the Medbay after that. I mean I walked (hobbled would be closer, that jerk hit my leg hard) while Arcan,Lars and Reg were carried off by droids. The commander said that we were to rest up and write up a detailed report before meeting him for our next assignment.
Our next assignment? What does he mean? We're just regular troopers. Anyway, that's not the point. I learned four lessons today:
1) Rebels exist
2) The boys can't shoot at all (if everyone is like them, how does the army even function?!)
3) Never underestimate your enemy or who they are (Thanks to the rebel leader for that one!)
4) It hurts to loose a friend.
That last one is sad but true. We lost 6 good men today and even though I didn't know them too well we were close enough. One time last week we all gathered after our shift and just chatted. At first it was awkward for me since I was the only girl and the youngest of them ( I guess that's to be expected - I'm only 19 after all) but soon we all started laughing together. A few of the boys looked very similar but I brushed it off. We all got to know each other better and the boys admitted that they considered me their cute little sister. I corrected them by saying that I was their dangerous marksman little sister - that set them off even harder. I was happy. And now it hurts to think that out of hunter squad (that's what we were called ourselves) only Arcan,Lars,Reg and I are left. I guess I never thought that we could die here, I thought that our invincible empire cloud protect us - I was naive, so naive. Every time I think about it - I feel a lump in my throat and my eyes start to water but I refuse to break down. That would dishonour the way the others died. I am furious at the rebels but I don't want revenge. Too many people have died today already. I... I better finish this up - I'm going to have my last checkup now and then we're free to go and meet with the commander. The sad remainder of the hunter squad, that is. Well I've got to go. Take care of yourselves and write soon.

From your daughter Kaia or C-9786T

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