Imperial Message - Death

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Hey, everyone! Welcome to 2017 and the nearly last instalment of a stormtrooper's letters. The next one will be the last and I will make the official announcement there. I told you it would be a short work. Anyway, this message came from the Empire approximately a few days after Kaia's grandpa found the other message. Enjoy! The last one will probably be posted either today or tomorrow.

Imperial message - Death

Mr Aivel Jarrde and Mrs Myra Jarrde,

We regret to inform you that your daughter, Lieutenant Kaia Jarrde, passed away in an Rebel attack. She fought valiantly to defend our glorious empire, but she was ultimately struck down. She died in service to the Empire and therefore will be treated as a hero and buried as such. We express our most sincere condolences to you and can only offer our compassion during these hard times for your family. Please accept our utmost gratitude for raising such a brilliant soldier.
Imperial Registry.


There it was glowing brutally on the datapad, a death sentence for his grandchild and a message of warning to her parents. The old man cast a tired glance at the weeping man and woman, once again feeling guilty for having burdened them with this. Still, if this Lieutenant (Oh, how ironic that title was) Kaia Jarrde was anything like the Kaia he had raised the old man doubted they would have gotten rid of her that easily. No, Kaia had the Force as her ally and even with that crippling illness determined to bring her down Kaia would stand strong and not crumble. He remembered her mother's one wish when she had named her - she had wanted Kaia to be as strong as the earth upon which she would walk, as pure as the sea which she would one day sea. Form what he had seen Kaia had grown to be all that and more, she was her mother's daughter alright. And her determination to be the best soldier or warrior she could be - yes, that was very reminiscent of her father. She had their blood flowing through their veins and that was why he was certain Kaia had survived, he didn't even need to search the Force to know that.
   Kaia Jarrde was a smart, resourceful and (dare he say it?) immensely lucky girl. Those imperial puppets could not kill her easily and she even had two men on her side - one imperial and one of the Rebel Alliance as unexpected as that was. She could have escaped her death sentence, but she was so dreadfully adamant about not wanting anything to do with the Rebellion. He had feared Kaia joining the military for precisely this reason - if Vader or his lackeys caught a whiff of Kaia's potential then she would be as good as dead. He could only hope they hadn't.
  As he watched the couple weep over the "death" of their daughter, the old man could only sigh and walk out of the room. He felt like an outsider intruding upon the family's grief. He didn't wish to believe in Kaia's death so all he could do was wait. Yes, wait... he'd always been good at that...

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