Twilight fanfictions Clichés

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WARNING: This is an angry rant about Twilight fanfic clichés!

I just thought about this this morning. Almost every twilight fanfiction is the same. They are all sues, too overpowerd.. kill them with fire.. maby twice if it's needed. (the one's i've read!)

Almost every fanfiction includes someone named the Michaeles? And that the Michaels are the the most powerfull vampires in the world.. It bores me to read that kind of fanfictions! It's kind of a Vampire Diaries slash Twilight Saga. (I've never seen Vampire diaries and i don't want to!)

Almost every oc is overpowered. Almost ever single one of them is a copycat or they can take the power that they want and make them better.. is it too hard to be creative? Some oc's also have the power to create every power that they want! Some oc's have like 5+ powers. Powers like; teleporting, shield, read minds, beauty and then they add.. a lil bit more beautiful than Rosalie.. too much of a sue.

In many fanfictions they are like *cue baby voice*: im the most powerfull vampire in the world, i can only live off of human blood (which vampires are supposed to live off of), I'm another species than the rest of my family, I'm a nightwalker, i'm an infamous newborn. Burn them with fire! Maby two times if nessercary.

Many fanfictions are also like; I'm the forgotton Cullen, nobody loves me.. Then yet again she shows to be the most powerfull vampire in the universe, and get's a man. In a fanfiction an oc's eye shifted colour after mood, are you a mood ring or something?

In every single fanfiction Renesmee's twin sister fanfiction nobody care about them, unwanted etc. Sometimes it's the opposite. But it's (almost) always Jasper and Alice there care about the oc, sometimes it's Rosalie and Emmett there care about the oc.

When it comes to attention Renesmee always get's the attention, and when the oc get's attention Renesmee get's mad. The oc is always abused, unwanted, yelled at etc. It's tiring with an oc like this.. some oc's even run away from home and join a super powerful coven.

The oc is always some rare species and *cue baby voice* Oh i'm sooooooo rare! A Twilight Renesmee twin sister went like this; "your species are so rare, it's first race of a vampire that ever excisted, they are the strongest ones theres ever been. Stronger than volturi. Your species are the real royalty.. everyone's scared of them." Ooh here we go again. *yawns*

We all know Renesmee's nickname is Nessie.. in the Renesmee's twin sister fanfictions the author nickname their oc after a nailpolish brand.. Essie. Why would you nickname your children after Loch ness monster and a nail polish brand? It's just weird.

When the Volturi comes they either want Renesmee's twin sister because she is so powerfull. Sometimes the oc use her sue-ish superpowers and do you think that is badass? No it's not badass.. It's very mary sue-ish. Sometimes one from the volturi shows to be Renesmee's twin sister's mate. Sometimes Edward and Bella kind of give their other child (oc) away, because *cue baby voice* she is so unwanted, blah blah blah.

In some fanfictions are the oc a werewolf. And we all know that a Twilight wolf die when it get's bitten by a vampire. But the oc don't die! The oc turn out to be a vampire werewolf hybrid, which is not possible because when a werewolf get's bitten by a vampire the werewolf dies. So the oc can't magically turn into a hybrid just because the plot calls for it.


Overpowered oc's are also seen in Renesmee's twin sister fanfictions.. let me give a few examples:

Tactile thought projection - When she touches a person, she can projecy a memory or a thought to somone else.

Elemental Manipulation - she can control the elements, like Benjamin.

Levitation - can levitate people or objects

Passive talents - These are abilities, like Edwards speed or Emmetts strength

Speed - gets her spees from her father, but isn't fast like vampire, but faster than the average.

Strength - Emmett's strength

Self control - Got Bellas self control. So she can go 3 months whitout blood.

Beauty - is a little more beautiful than Rosalie

That is like 7 powers.. Yes i consider them all as powers.. even the beauty one.

Let's take a few more exampels:

1) Able to turn a vampire back to it's human self.

2) She is a copy cat. She can take and use vampires gifts for her own benefits.

2) Able to change her appearence.

Dude Emmett is the strongest vampire in the world, Rosalie is considered the most attractive vampire in the world and Benjamin is the most gifted vampire. Your little Mary Sue just can't just come in and take their place just because she is such a special snowflake.

An oc with too many powers is also a Mary Sue.. I know it's not the same as a copycat. But still, be simple and creative and use ONE power ONE!SINGLE!POWER.

Let's take a few examples of copycats and overpowered  characters:

1) Can get their power and keep them forever just by being around them.

2) Can get their power just by being around them and keep their power forever.

3) Can imagine any power she want's and then she have them.

4) Can take another vampire's power and leave the vampire powerless and keeping the power forever.

I HATE copycat oc's because they are too overpowering. In my opinion all copycat oc's are Mary Sues. It dosn't matter what fandom it is, a copycat will always be too overpowering.. AND NO BUTS!

Author: But..!

Me: no buts..

Author: but the plot calls for it...

Me: No, the plot is not an excuse for an overpowering oc

When you are making oc's with powers don't overpower them.. it makes me and a lot of other people mad. Keep the powers simple.. forexample the power to be invisible or a shield if you don't want Edward to read your Oc's thoughts.


I once read a Twilight fanfiction where the person was able to turn a vampire back to it's human self.. She made most of female vampires humans again (from the Cullen family) and then they made babies.. it was disturbing.. trust me it was horrible.

Why Twilight SUCKS!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ