My thoughts about Twilight

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Meyer ruined the way i looked at vampires. Vampires are supposed to burn in the sunlight!?! Not sparkly like a fairy.

Twilight saga the book based on wet dreams and hopes.. Who want's to read a book based of : Fairies (NO! Not vampires) and puppies on drugs (No! Not werewolfs) and a weak little plain boring girl.. NO F#CKING ONE!!!!

Bella literally marries a guy she had barley known for a year, and she had known Jacob for a longer time.

There only dies about 2 people in that movie/film (It's a long time ago i read the book and watched the movies) Bella should have been one of the characters that should have died.

She gets what she wants and sacrifies NOTHING! She don't sacrifies, she leaves everything behind to marry a fairy (NOT. A. VAMPIRE)

Jacob tried to protect her and Bella just shrugged it off because she wanted to be together with the cold sparkly fairy Edward.

When we are talking about their wedding! There were no emotion at all.. Just what their relationship is based on NO LOVE!

In the books and the movies there were no humor at all! It was all boring and trying so hard to be serious.

Meyer thinks it's all unicorn and rainbows. She writes herself in that book it's too sugarcoated for my taste.. Breaking dawn it's the crappiest i've ever read and watched.

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