Another persons opinion #1

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(A/N) this is another persons opinion on Twilight.. not mine :-)

This is written by DaughterOfWisdom

The link to the website where i found this is down below after the persons opinion:

Besides that a lot of people like dissecting bad books? Users who dislike the books see the characters clearly, something a lot of fans don't. They can point out what they're really like.

Edward belittles Bella about her humanity, her clumsiness, her "bad lying" (despite that she lies all the time and everyone believes her). When do they talk? They sit, stare at each other, and touch each other's faces.

They've never had an "intellectual debate" as far as the books show. Unless you count them discussing Romeo and Juliet, which neither of them had any remote understanding of. What do they have in common? They don't know each other.

They said they were in love with each other after about three conversations. Bella didn't even know Edward's "strong stance" on religion, despite "loving him" and being together for six months. What do they have in common? I can't think of anything.

Oh, I know! They both like to read... But they never read in the text for pleasure. Music? They never discuss it or enjoy it together. Bella is constantly belitting and degrading herself in his company and the two never laugh or have fun.

Their relationship is manipulation and getting what the others want. Bella wants vamprism, sex, immortality, inhuman beauty, and money. Edwards wants marriage, someone who listens to him, and someone who thinks he's a god. Their relationship is often compared to addiction, which is horribly unhealthy and only destroys the person in the long run. Quite fitting for the diaster of a relationship.

- by DaughterOfWisdom, November 25 2015.

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