Everyone stopped and stared as Kevin was shoved up against his locker after first period.

"Listen, freak." Dylan warned. "You work on the project with Alex then you leave her alone, do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." Kevin smirked, peering into the crowd. "But don't you think that's up to Alex to decide?"

"No." Dylan sneered, pulling Kevin away from the locker and shoving him against it harder. "I know that hickey she got was from you and I'm so close to fucking killing you, Kevin."

"Dylan!" Alex snapped from behind him, walking up and pulling him away from Kevin. "Are you fucking insane?!"

"Me?!" Dylan gaped, watching her stand in front Kevin. "This piece of shit gives you a hickey, and you're pissed at me?!"

"Stop it!" She hissed, lowering her voice. "What I do is my choice and my business, and I don't like that you've just announced something very private in front half the fucking school. I'm not your property, Dylan, so fuck off."

Alex turned to Kevin and grabbed his arm, leading him away from the crowd and trying to ignore the stares she got from her friends. When they were out of sight, she dropped his arm and looked at him.

He had a smirk plastered on his face as usual and she was starting to think it would eventually become permanent.

"So." He said, stuffing his hands in his pockets and circling her. "I see I've earned some kind of 'special' place in your life, Alex. Why else would defend me?"

"Because you were causing a scene." She scoffed, watching him as he walked around her.

"Me?" He gasped jokingly, feigning hurt. "I'm not the one who pushed Dylan up against a locker, now am I?"

"That's beside the point, Kevin." She retorted. "That wouldn't have happened if you hadn't told him about the hickey in the first place."

"I figured it would be funny watching your boyfriend get all angry and possessive." He snickered.

"He's not my boyfriend."

"He sure likes to act as if he were." He finally stopped circling her and came up behind her, putting his hands on her waist and whispering in her ear. "Why, until now that is, haven't you told him to back off if you didn't want him to be your boyfriend?"

"I...I don't know." She answered, looking at the ground.

"I'll tell you why. Because he's a year older, he's the quarterback of the football team, every girl wants his attention and you were lucky enough to get it. You, a simple girl, had someone like Dylan wrapped around her pretty little finger and you didn't want to let that go."

Alex's hands clenched into fists as she stepped away and turned to him. "You're like a child, Kevin, always craving attention, and that's why you like getting on my nerves. Because it doesn't matter what you say or do, as long I give you some sort of attention, you feel satisfied."

She swallowed hard and took a step away from him; his eyes had gone dark and the look of amusement on his face disappeared.

"You're right, Alex." Kevin finally spoke, but his voice didn't have any playfulness to it as it usually did. "I am like a child, I need attention." He took a step towards her. "I need to be the center of it all the time."

Alex's back hit a nearby wall and she jumped, surprised by the fact that she hadn't noticed he had her walking backwards.

Kevin slammed his hands on the wall, trapping her against it and his body. He leaned down and laughed at how tense she got. "And like a child, Alex, I need toys. Ones that I can play with until I get bored and can replace them with something new. So, I'd watch what I say if I were you, unless you want to be my next toy. Do you?"

A chill ran down her spine and she shivered, closing her eyes and letting out a small breath. "Get away from me, Kevin, before I scream."

"Do it." He dared. "You and I both know you wouldn't. The last thing you want your stupid little friends to know is that you were backed into a corner by the school freak."

Alex looked him square in the eye and opened her mouth to scream, only to have him quickly kiss her.

"Christ, I didn't think she'd actually do it." He thought, tangling his fingers in her hair to keep her from pulling away.

"Hey, why aren't you two in class?!" They heard, actually catching Kevin by surprise and making him pull away.

"Ow!" Alex hissed quietly, putting her hand to her mouth. "You bit me."


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