ONE||How You Met

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You were wandering around the town, outside of the loop. You were always fascinated by the modern world, even if the only exposure you've had to it was whatever was on the island.

You made your way down the street, taking in the gloomy views and noticed a group of teenagers, an older man and a kid around your age with him. They appeared to be talking, and you slowly moved closer to the group.

"I don't mean to be nosy... but... what's going on over here?"
You asked. You were slightly on edge, for you'd never done anything like this before, as in talk to the people living on the island.

"I was just asking these guys if they'd take my son to the children's home." The man said, pushing his son forwards slightly.
You looked the boy up and down. The children's home. Your home. Well, or what's left of it.

"I can take him." You said with a smile. You were slightly curious to why he'd want to go there, and plus, he was quite cute. About the cutest guy you've seen in a long time.

"It's my favorite spot on the island. Here: Follow me." You turned and began to walk away, and the boy, seeming slightly wary, began to follow.

"Uh... thanks for volunteering." the boy said. "I'm [Jacob for B, Jake for M]... you are?"

You gave him a small smirk. "I'm Y/N."

Your father was the butcher on the island (in modern days, don't get confused, my friends) and you regularly helped him with his work. It wasn't easy or glamorous, but it payed well, and that's all that mattered to you.

On this particular day, business was slow, so your father gave you two options: stay at the shop without him so he could go deal with important things, such as groceries, or he stay and you go off and do the errands. You picked to stay at the shop.

Hours went by with no business, and your father had yet to contact you about when he was getting back. So, you thought it wouldn't matter if you closed your eyes for a few seconds... minutes. And so, you ended up taking a nap. For an hour. Or two.

You were awoken by the sound of a lock clicking, and, assuming it was your father, you quickly sat up from the chair you slept in. He'd kill you if he caught you sleeping on the job!

But... it wasn't him. And the clicking wasn't from the front door. It was from the meat locker. You slowly shifted your body so you could see the meat locker door better, when you saw a boy standing there, arms full of jars. Upon seeing you, he cursed, and bolted towards the door.

You quickly sprang to your feet and grabbed him before he reached the door and yanked him back, causing a few of the jars to tumble out of his grasp and onto the ground, where they shattered. That's we. You realized the jars were filled with hearts.

"Were you able steal those?!" You said, too shocked slightly.

The boy stared at you with anger. "It's not like you were going to use them! You were just gonna toss them out! Waste 'em!"

Yeah. That was the start of a very wonderful relationship, wouldn't you say?

You had wandered pretty far from the house. All of it was so new and scary to you, and you felt like you just needed some space away from everyone else to clear your head. So you sat down and took in the scenery around yourself, still trying to wrap your head around everything.

You quickly glanced around the area, making sure no one was around. When you saw no one, you took in a deep breath, and began to move your hands, like sewing something invisible together. As you did, something began to appear in front of you, until finally, a small kitten appeared. A small smile flickered across your lips, and slowly reaches out to pet the rabbit. But as you touched it, it just disappeared into mist.

With a small sigh, you let your hand drop into your lap. In your mind, your powers were close to useless. But still fun to play around with.

"That was pretty neat, what you did there."

The voice gave you such a fright that you jumped, and your gaze shot around, looking for the source of the voice. But... You saw no one. There was no one. Yet...

"H-hello?" you said quietly, glancing around once more. Oddly, in front of her, she could see footprints in the grass. and the footprints got closer. And closer. And closer.

"Hello. Sorry, Miss P wanted me to follow after you to make sure you didn't get lost." the voice said again, it now sounded like it was right in front of you.

"Who... who are you? Why can't I see you?" You said quietly, too confused and shocked to say much else.

"Oh, sorry again. You can't see me because I'm invisible."

Fiona and you were out in the garden. Miss Peregrine had asked you to use your peculiarity, the ability to communicate to animals, to tell the rabbits to stop eating the plants in the garden that Fiona had worked so hard on. Being new, you agreed to help to make a good impression.

Once you found one of the rabbits, you began to speak to it in its awkward, squeaking language. Soon, you and the rabbits came to an agreement, and the rabbit hopped away, probably to eat something else and far less important in the garden. Fiona smiled at you, looking pleased.

"Wow. haven't seen a peculiarity like that before."

Startled, you turn around to see the person talking, who was a teenage boy with bees flying around him. "Oh! Didn't mean to startle you." the boy said. "Just... It was neat, what you did. Do you control them, or just talk to them?"

You shook your head. "I just talk to them... and hope they listen to what I say." you responded quietly. "They don't always listen, though... I got lucky with that rabbit, I guess." You shrugged "I'm... Y/N."

He smiled at you, and a bee flew out. "Hello, Y/N. I'm Hugh."

Miss Peregrine was showing you around outside of the house, in the garden where it seemed most of the children were. You've already met Claire, Olive, Millard and a few other children, and they all seemed pretty nice. Well, except for Enoch. He was kind of mean.

"And this is... Horace." Miss Peregrine said, coming to a stop in front of a oddly well dressed boy around your age. He smiled and held out his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you, Y/N.  I'm Horace Somnusson."

Confused, you slowly took his hand and shook it. "How... do you know my name?"

"Horace has prophetic dreams, Miss Y/N. It could be possible that he possibly saw you in his dream last night." Miss Peregrine explained. "Is that correct, Horace?"

Horace nodded. "Exactly."

"Oh... that's a very interesting... Peculiarity, right? That's what its called?" You said. Miss Peregrine smiled and nodded.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Y/N." Horace smiled. You returned his smile with one of his own. You thought he was kind of cute... and interesting. You hoped you'd get to know him more.

Well that was longer than expected. Anyways,  I hope you all enjoy this! I've never done anything like this
before so I hope you like this one and the pages to come. Thanks for reading!

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