Chpater 8

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After dinner, we all got changed into our costumes and went to hang out by the pool. We splashed around a bit and just relaxed.

Afterwards, when we had all showered and changed into our pajamas, mine were purple with yellow emoji's on, I did some homework and then went to get Jaime so that we could have some hot chocolate from the small kitchen in our common room.

Our head of house, Kayleigh, walked in. We all shut up respectfully. She looked around at all of us and smiled. "Girls, I'm pleased to introduce you to your new house mate. Her name is Danielle Nel, she is in 11th grade and she has just been transferred from Girls High because her parents weren't happy there. Please make her feel welcome. Teagan, Mrs Posomby, our housemother, wants you to please take Danielle under your wing and show her the ropes. Thanks girls." and Kaeleigh walked out, leaving Danielle standing alone at the door.

The girls immediately started crowding around her, questioning her about her other school. Danielle was starting to look scared so I walked up to her, the younger girls moving away as I walked past them. I held out my hand. "Teagan Howard. Nice to meet you." I said, grinning.

"Danielle Nel. Nice to meet you too." she said quietly, glancing around at the other girls nervously.

I followed her glance and chuckled quietly. "They are just eager. No need to look so nervous. Let me introduce you to one of my my best friends and then I'll show you to your room." I said and waved Jaime over.

She came bounding over eagerly. "Jaime Trott. Nice to meet you." she said and held out her hand.

"Danielle Nel. You too." Danielle answered.

"What number is your room? And do you have any luggage?" I asked her.

"4B. Yes it's outside the room." she answered.

"Great. We'll grab it and then I'll show you your room. It's right next door to mine." I said happily.

She nodded and smiled. "Thanks. My bags are heavy though." she said.

I nodded at her. "Okay thanks for the heads up." I said and looked around the room. "Amy Barts." I called and an 8th grader came running up to us.

"You called?" she asked.

"Yes. Could you please take Danielle's bags up to room 4B. Get another 3 girls to help you okay? Thanks." I said and Amy ran off.

"You can't let her do that!" Danielle said looking shocked.

I laughed at her horrified expression. "It's the custom of our school. 11th and 12th graders get to ask the 8th and 9th graders to do small things for them. Not anything like bed making or laundry just like tea and toast or cleaning our studies or helping us with odd jobs or cleaning your boots if you do horse riding or like what I just asked her now. Don't worry, it's part of being younger. And it doesn't hurt them, if anything it puts them in their place back as the smallest kids at school and deflates their heads a bit especially if they are stuck up." I explained.

"Oh okay. I'm glad I missed that!" she said and Jaime and I burst into uncontrollable giggles.

"Come on then, let me show you to your room." I said since we had calmed down.

We walked up the stairs and turned down the corridor on the 4th floor. "Welcome to Floor 4 and here is your bedroom. You are rooming with Cassidy." I say as I push open the door to her room.

She looks around. "It's nice." she says.

"It's alright for what we need it for." I say shrugging.

"Is Cassidy nice?" she asks nervously.

"She is really nice. She is sensitive to others' feelings and won't cause unnecessary trouble. She's also really quiet and won't bother you. She also helps a lot." I explain.

"Thanks. That makes me feel better." Danielle said. I smiled at her kindly.

"Do you need any help unpacking?" I asked.

"Nope, I'm all good thanks." she said brightly.

"Okay then. I'll come get you at 7 tomorrow morning for breakfast." I say.

"Thanks... for everything today, I really appreciate it." she says vehemently.

"Oh, it was no trouble at all." I say blushing.

"See you tomorrow."

"Bye, sleep tight." I say and Jaime and I walk out of her room and to my room next door.

"Night Jay Jay the Jet plane." I say smirking at her and hugging her.

"Night Teags the Terror." she shoots back quicker then thought.

"Hey!" I protest, puling away.


"I called you something nice and I get Teags the Terror!"

"Yup!" she laughs and hugs me.


"Night sleep tight. Must I come get you before or after I get Danielle?" I ask, returning the hug.


"Okay great. Sweet dreams." I say and she walks out.

I quickly do all the necessities like brushing hair and teeth and then cuddle into bed. I wait for Angelique to come back and then I say good night and close my eyes. I'm asleep in 5 minutes.

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