Chapter 11

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Regina had managed to keep herself Occupied in Emma's absence ,although she had to admit she did miss the blonde's presence. She became lost in her thoughts about the princess , when they were interrupted by a familiar voice."My,you look lonely." The Queen turned to see Rumplestiltskin sitting on her bed. " What do you want?" She asked, annoyed by his presence. "I hear you've captured princess Emma."He said with a sly expression.The Queen sat in front of her mirror and ran a comb through her long silky black hair ."I did Capture the princess."She Corrected. "And yet your castle seems rather princess-less." Rumplestiltskin replied in a mimicking tone. "I let her go." Regina said quietly. "You did what?" The dark one asked. "I let her go." The Queen repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. "Now why would you do a thing like that?" Asked Rumplestiltskin. "Because I,I...I don't know." The Queen answered. "Oh I think you do dearie, I really think you do." The Dark one said, laughing.
The Queen whirled around and glared at Rumplestilskin, "What exactly are you trying to imply?" She asked. "I'm not implying anything, I'm simply stating the obvious dearie, you....are in love."He said. The Queen slowly stalked towards Rumplestilskin with an cold glint in her eyes. "I'll kill her, if I have too." She said,her voice cold and dark. "We shall see dearie, we shall see." Rumplestilskin said with a grin,before disappearing in a cloud of violet magic,leaving the Queen alone once more,with her thoughts. The Queen stood outside her balcony, and stared up at the night sky. "Oh Emma...". She sighed. She quickly walked over to her magic mirror and waved her hand. An image of Killian and his army emerged. The Queen listened as Killian incited his army. "Tonight, the Queen's reign of terror comes to an end!" He announced proudly.
"Tonight we take back our kingdom!" He yelled as he paraded around on his horse. The Queen shook her head, if it was a fight they wanted, it's a fight they were going to get.She called to one of her men, "Prepare the army, and secure the perimiter. Snow and Charming's army will be here soon." She commanded. She engulfed herself in a cloud of magic, changing her dress once again into armor. With her sword in hand, she walked back over to her balcony, and stared up at the sky once more as she thought about the princess, that she had taken captive. And it occurred to Regina, that maybe she had grown rather fond of the blonde. Regina hadn't loved anyone since Daniel had died, she wasn't sure if what she felt for the blonde could be called "Love".   
    The Queen had been fighting this war against Snow and Charming for years, but now she wasn't sure if she wanted to win it. What would she do, after she had finally destroyed Snow White and her kingdom? And at what cost would she get her Happily Ever After? The Queen shook the thoughts from her head, as she turned and headed down the main hall of her castle. She soon joined her army outside, as they prepared for the approaching army.As she stood there waiting a thought crossed her mind,would Emma fight against her? After All they had only known each other for a short time, and Emma was the princess of the very kingdom that she sought to destroy.

    The Queen began to slowly pace back and forth in front of her army, but stopped when one of her men came running. "They're here!" He announced breathlessly. The Queen grabbed her sword, and prepared herself for battle. Regina watched as Killian's army rode over the hill to meet them.The Queen immediately gave the signal, for her men to attack. She watched as the two army's clashed, the battlefield erupting with the roar of war. The Queen scanned the battlefield, but there was no sign of Emma and the Queen gave a sigh of relief. She watched from her spot, as her army swooped down upon the other,like a dark plague annihilating everything in it's path. "Regina!" The Queen heard a yell from the battlefield. "Show yourself, you monster!" The Queens eyes rested on Killian, as she watched him run one of her men through with his sword.
    The Queen waved her hand, and appeared a few feet away from him,her sword ready. "Monster, isn't that a little harsh?" She asked in a sarcastic manner. Killian locked eyes with the Queen,"It's time you pay for what you've done." He said as he lunged at the Queen. But the skilled Queen side stepped him, spinning around and hitting him across the back with her sword. The prince whirled around with blood lust in his eyes, and swung at the Regina, her sword clashing against his. "You turned my fiancée against me!" He yelled angrily, as he used his strength to press his sword down against the Queens. Regina shook her head, "No, you did that yourself." She replied, as she vanished in her cloud of magic. "You coward!" Yelled Killian.
    The Queen appeared in her castle, as she watched the war unfold from its windows. Killian's army was cutting through her men as if they were mere slices of bread. It wouldn't be long before they reached her castle. The Queen called for the youngest of her servants, Gretel. The young girl came running in. The Queen kneeled down before her so that they were now eye level. "Gretel," the Queen spoke in a friendly tone that frightened the tiny servant girl. "Go to your brother in the stables, I need you both to leave here. Take one of the horses." She commanded. The tiny servant girl stood frozen in shock, "But your majesty, I..." "Do as i say! Now!" The Queen commanded, glaring daggers into the younger girl, who turned and fled the room.
     Regina slowly walked to her throne room, as the rest of her servants rushed to barricade the doors. She kept her sword in hand, ready for the attack that she knew, was only minutes away.

*Warning: All hell is about to break loose. Also, This fanfic should be wrapped up in about maybe 2-3 more chapters, possibly 4...maybe. What do you guys think so far? Feel free to comment, sorry if this update isn't long enough but the next one will be. Prepare to cry like babies. Love you guys!

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