A Sorrowful Grief

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"She saved my life." Was all Emma could think, as she held the fallen Queen in her arms. The princess was now fully aware of the tears that were now pouring from her eyes. Regina's dying words had been that she loved Emma.The world felt cold and harsh, as she slowly picked up the Queen's lifeless body, and carried her to her Regal bed.

Emma gently, laid Regina's body in her bed,and gently kissed her lips. "I love you too." She whispered, as she caressed the cheek of her Queen one last time. And with a heavy heart, and one last glance, she turned and left the Queen's chambers.

The Princess slowly made her way down the castle stairs, where she stood in front of her parents army, and the armies of the neighboring kingdoms. "This war is over!" She yelled. "The Queen is dead." She announced, her voice laced with pain and sadness.

The armies gave a cheer of joy, that made Emma sick to her stomach. "Where is the Prince?" Asked one of the soldiers. "He's dead." The Princess answered, without further explanation. "Prepare to move out, we're going back home." She commanded. She watched as the armies, turned and went outside to make preparations for their journey home.

"Oh Regina," Cried the princess. Emma mourned the Queen's death, and her memory. She felt a pain rip at her heart, and she cried harder because she knew that no one would know the true story. No one would know of the Queen's ultimate act of redemption, or of Killian's treachery.

No one would know how she truly felt about Regina, and what pained Emma the most was that Regina would never know how she felt about her. "Are you coming your highness?" Came a voice from behind her. The princess turned to see one of her most loyal soldiers, Mulan, waiting. "No,not yet. Tell my parents that I will be home shortly, and when I return, there is something I must tell them." The Princess answered, as she slowly headed back up the stairs to the Queen's chambers.

Mulan quickly bowed, and proceeded outside to give the orders. Emma entered the Queen's room once more, and made her way out to the balcony. She looked up at the star filled sky, as she thought about Regina. She closed her eyes, as she pictured the beautiful brunette, and she hoped that Regina could hear her thoughts.

"I love you, and I always will." Emma thought to herself as she pictured the Queen's face. "I love you too." A gentle voice seemed to respond. Emma erupted into tears. Was fate so cruel, that it would play games with her? "I love you Emma." Came the gentle voice of the Queen once more. Emma began sobbing uncontrollably, as she cursed fate for its treachery.
The Princess was so wrecked with tears, that she hadn't even noticed the arms that had wrapped themselves around her waist, and was now holding her.

*Guess who!!?? Lol, told you guys not to worry😄. Sorry this update is so short, anyways comment, comment, comment.What do you think has happened?

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