Evil isn't born, it's made

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Emma ran to the balcony to get a better view of the ongoing battle outside. Regina's men had surrounded Snow's army. Snow had her sword drawn, and was running to meet the Queen. But before she could do anything, the Queen disappeared. "Your magic won't save you Regina!" The Younger Queen yelled angrily. Suddenly Snow felt a hand wrap around her throat and begin to squeeze tightly, the Queen appeared in front of her. "Do you really think you can defeat me?" The Queen hissed angrily,her hand squeezing tighter around Snow's throat. "You should have stayed in your castle". " she said as she brought her hand up to Snow's chest. As she prepared to rip out her heart,an arrow flew in the Queen's direction. Regina turned her head slowly to see Killian's younger brother Hans standing there. "Well, well..." started Regina as she slowly released Snow,and headed in the young Prince's direction.
"If it isn't Prince Hans,Killian's cowardly brother." Sneered The Queen,as she slowly walked towards the prince. " I wonder if you're as bad a swordsman as your brother." She continued. The Prince loaded another arrow,and pointed it at the Queen,as he slowly backed away. "Hand over the princess and your life will be spared." He demanded. The Queen laughed, "I think cowardice runs in the family." The Queen said. Hans released another arrow,but this time it stopped a few feet from the Queen's chest. The Queen waved her hand, and turned the arrow so that it was now pointing in the younger Prince's direction. She released her hand,and watched in amusement as the arrow buried itself in Hans's chest.
Killian's cry was heard from somewhere across the battleground,as he witnessed the death of his brother. He quickly ran across the battleground to his brother,whose lifeless body now laid crumpled on the ground. He looked up at the Queen with hate filled eyes. "You will pay for this!" He yelled bitterly.
Regina smirked, "You know I could kill you,with a mere flick of my risk. I could kill all of you right now," she said as she looked back at Snow. "Get your pathetic army out of my kingdom,while you still have the chance". The Queen commanded, before vanishing in a violet cloud of smoke.
Killian picked up his sword, but Snow stopped him. "She's taken out more than half our men,as well as your brother. We will get Emma back,just not right now". The dark haired prince glared angrily at the Queen before giving the order to retreat. "Mark my words Your Majesty," he muttered bitterly, "You will pay dearly for this."
Emma watched her mother's army retreat from the Queen's bedroom window. "Don't worry, I didn't kill him". Came the Queen's voice from behind her. Emma looked back at Regina, "Still don't think I'm evil?" The Queen asked.
The princess did not respond, nor did she make eye contact with the Queen. "You promised to kill Killian,but you left him alive." Whispered Emma. The Queen nodded, "Indeed, I feel it was a mistake, that will in time prove to be costly." She muttered. "I killed his brother,"she said as she slowly walked over to the princess, "and I enjoyed every second of it". She whispered,her face mere inches from the princesses.
Emma felt her heart beating faster, and before She realized it, she had captured the Queen's mouth in a fiery kiss.
   The Queen gently wrapped her arms around the princesses waist as the kiss deepened. "I was going to kill Snow". Whispered the Queen when their lips finally parted. "But you didn't." replied Emma. The Queen grinned before sending Emma flying back on the bed,with a strong blast of magic.
   The Queen straddled Emma, and whispered into her ear, "But i will." Emma felt the Queen's hands begin to roam all over her body. "I will destroy you."  Continued the Queen,as her mouth trailed kisses down Emma's neck. "I am evil." Said the Queen as she ran her nails along Emma's back,causing the princess to groan in pain. The princess bit her lip as she felt the Queen's tongue trailing down her chest.
Emma could not control the moans that escaped her lips as the Queen's tongue found her hardened nipple,and sucked it gently.  The Queen switched,and began to suck the other nipple. The Queen stopped and looked up at Emma,as she slowly stuck her finger inside of Emma and began to thrust.
   The princess closed her eyes, as the Queen added another finger and began to thrust faster. Emma met the Queen's thrusting,as they created a delicious melody. The princess felt herself nearing climax,as the Queen gently brushed her clit. "So you still don't think I'm evil?" She whispered into the blondes ear. "No", panted Emma as her climax drew nearer. The Queen gave a smirk before pulling out of the princess, leaving her unsatisfied.
     "Get out." The Queen commanded. "But-" the princess stammered, confused as she felt her body begging for release. The Queen shot her an evil glare,and the princess quickly grabbed her clothing and ran out of the Queen's bedchamber.
The Queen laid back in her bed,as she stared up at the ceiling. She had denied the princess the release she so desperately sought, and killed a prince all in one night. If that wasn't Evil, she didn't know what was.
      Emma ran to her room,and collapsed on her bed in tears. She had so easily given herself to the Queen. The same Queen who sought to destroy her. The same Queen who killed her finances brother. The exact same Queen,who still, held her captive.

  That night the Queen found herself unable to sleep once more, so she decided to amuse herself with her magic mirror. She listened as Killian rambled on to Snow about avenging his brother's death. "Let me lead an army," he pleaded with the Snow. "I have allies in a neighboring kingdom, who would be willing to help me get Emma back." He said. Snow shook her head, "You'll do nothing but lead them to their deaths, until we can find a way to either weaken or block Regina's magic, there is nothing we can do." She said, as Charming entered the throne room."I have an idea," He announced proudly. "You remember Rumple-" "Don't you dare say his name!" Snow said, shooting her husband a worried glare. "Snow, if anyone can help us defeat Regina and get our daughter back, it's him." Charming said. "But at what price?" Asked Snow wearily. Charming said nothing, as he looked over at Killian for help. The dark haired prince turned to the Snow once more, "Let me seek out the 'Dark One', and find out what his price is." He said, as he looked at the Charmings in a pleading manner.

    Snow said nothing as she stared at her husband, "Your majesty," started Killian once more, "Sometimes, the only way to fight Evil is with Evil." Snow was silent for a while before speaking, "Do what you must Killian, just bring our daughter back". She whispered. The prince nodded before turning and leaving the royal couple alone in their throne room. The Queen watched the image fade out in her mirror, until there was nothing but a mere reflection of herself. She went back and laid in her bed, as she thought about the princess in the other room. "You know, I don't think your as evil as you pretend to be". The princesses voice repeated in her mind, like some beautiful song. "Oh Emma," sighed the Queen "I am Evil, I will always be evil."  She whispered, before falling asleep.

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