Chapter 10

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*Merry Christmas*

Once back at the castle, the Queen attended to her Queenly duties, and Emma was left alone. The princess decided to explore the castle as she recalled her mother's stories of a time before the Queen was Evil, when she was just known as Regina.

She journeyed down one of the halls of the castle,until she came to a door which had been left ajar. She slowly walked into the room,discovering that it was a crypt. "Why would the Queen keep a crypt in her castle?" The princess asked herself. She lit one of the candles, and took a closer look around, her eyes fell upon a glass coffin. Inside the coffin, there was a body of a young man, who was dressed in white,and was very handsome.

The princess began to wonder who this young man was, but her question was soon answered,as she spotted the nameplate on the coffin. Prince Daniel.

"Daniel?" Emma whispered. "He was my first love". Came the Queen's voice from behind her.The princess turned, to see the Queen standing in the doorway. Emma said nothing as the Queen walked over to where she was. "I'll take it your mother has told you the story?" The Queen asked,as she rested her hand on the glass coffin. "Not in detail,just that she broke a promise,and you've hated her ever since." The princess answered.

"Daniel died,because of your mother." Regina whispered as she tried to hold back the tears,that had begun to form in her eyes. The princess went silent at the Queen's words. "She took my happy ending from me,and I shall do the same to her." The Queen said,her voice filled with hatred. The princess said nothing, as things started to make more sense.

"Destroying our kingdom, won't bring Daniel back." Said Emma. The Queen laughed,as she faced Emma. "It's not about bringing Daniel back, it's about Revenge." The Queen said,as she led Emma out of the crypt.

"This war is senseless Regina!" Yelled Emma,as they walked down the hallway. The Queen shot Emma an icy glare,that immediately made Emma regret saying anything. "The result of this war,will be the happy ending that I was denied. The happy ending that your mother took from me." She said.

Emma wanted to say something else, but a servant Came running in. He quickly bowed, "Your majesty,Prince Killian was spotted leading a large army towards here." He reported. "How far is he?" The Queen asked. "About two days ride,your majesty." The servant answered. "Let me go to him." said the princess. The Queen shook her head, "Why would I let you do that?" Emma turned to the Servant, "How big was this army exactly?" She asked. "It appeared to be thousands, if not more." He answered. Emma looked back at Regina, "My parents army isn't that big, he's gathered neighboring kingdoms,loyal to our family. You will not stand a chance, let me go to him." Pleaded the princess.

"Why are you worried whether or not I stand a chance?" The Queen asked. "Why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?" Emma asked.Neither of them gave a verbal answer, but they could see it in each other's eyes.

The Queen turned once more to the servant "Tell Hansel,to prepare my horse." She commanded. The servant bowed once more, and left. "You're actually going to let me go?" The princess asked. "Yes. I will give you the chance to stop him first, but if he makes it to my castle, I will destroy him,and his army."

Emma looked at the Queen, "You're starting to change." She whispered. "Nonsense, I suggest you get on that horse and go, before I change my mind, and decide to kill you all." She replied in a threatening tone.

The princess did as she was told,and mounted the Queen's horse. Casting one last glance back at the castle,before riding off into the forest to find Killian.
It took Emma the remainder of the day to find Killian,and his army.By the time she found him,it was night.
She unmounted her horse,and walked to where he and his men had pitched camp. She figured he was in the biggest tent,afterall he was the prince. When she entered, she found him sleeping, clutching what appeared to be a new sword.
"Wake up Killian." She whispered as she gently nudged him. The dark haired prince opened an eye,and slowly the other. "Emma?" He whispered as he slowly awoke. "What? How? That monster finally let you go?" He asked.
Emma nodded,"She isn't a monster Killian." She said. The prince scoffed at Emma's words, "Not a monster?! She murdered my brother!" He yelled. "She was defending herself,I saw everything from the window." Emma replied. "Self Defense or not,Hans is dead. And she shall soon join him." He said. "Killian,turn the army around and go back to Arendelle." Emma commanded. "I will not." He said. Our kingdom has been plagued long enough by her attacks, she took you captive and killed my brother, it's time this war came to an end."
Emma shook her head, "If i can't make you turn back, maybe my parents can." She said, as she turned and prepared to leave the tent.But Killian stood in her way, "I'm sorry Emma,but I can't let you do that, this war is necessary".He said as he struck the princess across the back of her head,with the hilt of his sword,knocking her out.
He called one of his servants, "Prepare the men,we attack tonight." He said As he admired the glint from his sword in the moonlight.

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