Chapter Three: Well Hello...Again

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            It’d been maybe about two weeks since my little run-in. I still couldn’t forget about that guy, Gunji. Probably didn’t help I had a file of his pictures on my computer. I’d had a relatively normal last two weeks; I’d talked to he guys a little since them, Maddy on and off. Mostly I’d been being a teenager and catching up on my sleep. Every once in a while I’d have a dream about a guardian angel; I didn’t quite know what to make of it.

            Right now though I’d had to get up earlier than I had the last two weeks. Today was, drum roll please…FRESHMAN CAMP! Yes, so exciting. Is this for the whole school, no. Is this mandatory? No it’s completely voluntary. So why am I doing it? To get a feel on our up coming band freshman and show them the fundamentals of marching so come August when practice is in full swing they won’t be complete fish out of water.

So here I am in a green, loose, slightly breezy t-shirt that’s from St. Patrick’s Day and says “Got Green?” with a pair of light blue basketball shorts. Then last years old sneakers, I’d probably get new ones before school started, Astroturf can really mess up a pair of shoes quick. My hair was up in a ponytail; it looked like crap as always and would look worse later.

            My mom dropped me off a little early and I met Maddy already in the multi-purpose building bouncing up and down, she was ready to go. “Hey!” she chirped at me finally stopping her bouncing. Maddy ‘s my best friend, she’s about 5’6” which she won’t let me forget because that means she’s taller than me, dirty blond hair that has a great natural beach look and topped of with big baby blue eyes.

            “Hey, what’s going on?”

            “Not much the freshman are all huddled together like normal and we still have a little while before we have to get started. Are you excited!?

            I made a non-committal grunt back as my answer. “Well someone’s just a big ray of sunshine today.”

            “Thanks I’m glad you noticed” I quipped back earning an eye roll.


A few hours later and a few more fantasies of chocking an extremely whiny freshman, the ordeal was over and we could go get lunch. My stomach was growling letting me know its complete discontent with me. We had just been released and since we where still in the multi we decided to use their bathrooms as well as check if football practice was out yet.

See Chad and another friend of ours Jake are both in football and band, so we’d be waiting up for them. I was out before Maddy and went to stand in the cool air of the lobby. It may only be June but it was already pretty hot, but August would be the real killer, so it’d be best to enjoy while we can still survive it. As I walked out I ran straight into a wall. No, it wasn’t a real wall it was a human wall. Football guys had invaded the lobby and I’d run straight into a human cinderblock.

“Whoa, careful there.” He said as I felt arms steady me. I recognized that voice and as I looked up I was trapped in a familiar icy blue stare. I could feel my jaw drop and probably almost unhinge as did his but that wasn’t the real problem. The real problem was here right in front of me was Gunji, the guy I’d met in Toshima. Oh yeah nothing wrong at all.

“Hey!” We turned to the simultaneous shout and saw it was Chad and Jake. They were both grinning like usual as they bounded up. Chad was the shortest of the guys at 5’8”with sandy blonde hair with that natural surfer look and bright green eyes. Jake was easily the tallest of us all at 6’6” with naturally midnight black hair and sweet dark brown eyes. He could pass for emo or goth which he’s neither and most people never say anything. Chad was the loud, talkative, easily excited one, while Jake was quiet, didn’t talk much, and gave off that dark and mysterious vibe. They were complete opposites, best friends since they were toddlers and total sweethearts, although they could be really rough when they wanted to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2013 ⏰

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