Chapter Two: New.....Acquaintances?

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I was jerked backward and pushed against a wall. I saw Blondie raising his large metal claw. I squeezed my eyes shut as I waited for the worst. I heard the sound of metal hitting brick very near my head. I slowly opened my eyes and stared into the blondes. His face was hard but his eyes looked more quizzical than anything. He still had my wrist in a death grip yet he knew how to maneuver his claw as to not have it touching me. Yet again our eyes were locked in each others gaze. His were an icy blue and didn’t look as crazy as before he looked overall more calm. I knew my own where probably as big and wide as saucers. He was standing close keeping me trapped between his arms and the wall. I felt like I was about to start hyperventilating or something I was completely terrified. Finally he broke the silence. His voice deep and calm and nothing like I had heard just minutes before.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” “I-I-I…” I couldn’t even form a proper sentence. My mouth steadily felt drier and drier. I felt sudden tears welling up and where they had come from I didn’t know. I kept trying to blink them back I didn’t like crying in front of anyone let alone a completely deadly stranger.

“WHOA WHOA! Don’t do that!” I blinked my tears back further and saw the panicked look on his face. I resisted the urge to laugh at such a large tough guy panicking about a little girl almost crying. I sniffled a little before finally finding my voice. “I’m sorry, I was climbing down a hole, the ladder broke, I ended up falling, I couldn’t get out so I started walking, then found myself here and I’m completely lost right now.” It all came out in about one breath.

I didn’t know if it was just my imagination or what but it looked like his face softened a little. It had to be. “Where did you come from?” I was a little hesitant. “Just the town next door.” He nodded his head and looked like he was thinking a moment. “Where is the hole that got you here?” Again I was hesitant, did I really want his guying knowing how to get out of this place? What would he do once I showed him?

  “Around that way” I pointed in the direction I’d run from. He looked in the direction I was pointing and I could have sworn I saw him grimace a little. He dropped the claw from by my head and let go of my wrist. He made a motion for me to walk. He stayed just slightly behind me I could feel one of his clawed hands hovering near my back like he was waiting for me to try and bolt. I wouldn’t of course he could out run me easily and I didn’t really have a desire to meet anyone else here.

When were almost there he pulled me into an open backdoor of an abandoned building. I gave him a confused look and he spoke before I could. “Stay here I’ll be back in a second don’t move and stay quite.” Then he disappeared back outside the door leaving me there in the dark alone.

Just a few minutes later he returned carrying my bag with him. He handed it to me before gesturing towards the door. We neared the alley we’d first been in when I saw him kill that man and bolted. Right before we rounded the corner to it he touched my shoulder. I nearly jumped sky-high. He pulled his hand back and held it up as if to say sorry. He had stopped walking and I stopped with him.”When we turn the corner, don’t look down just look straight ahead and go toward this hole.” I nodded and walked forward. He didn’t want me to see the body that was downright considerate. What in the world? I continued in the direction of the hole, he seemed to be walking on my side where the man was as well, like making sure to block me from him.

Soon enough we were away from there and standing in front on my infamous hole. “This is it?” I nodded my head as I stared down into it. He let out a deep breath and stuck his claws into what I guessed as their own special sheaths one on each hip, before he started climbing down the ladder. When his feet touched the bottom he called up to me “Drop your bag down.” “What?” “It’ll be easier for you to climb down.” I sat down with my feet dangling into the hole and slipped my bag off my shoulder and lowered it down to him. He was still short of being able to reach it even when he stretched up. Then I let it slip from my fingers and he easily caught it and gently set it on the ground.

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