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Watson opened the door to 221B Baker Street dorm completely breathless, gasping for air, sweat dripping down his pale face. He had run as fast as Usain Bolt, all the way from his rugby practice to his room. He received more than a dozen text messages from Holmes saying that it was an emergency and that he needed help. ASAP.

Watson thought of worst case scenarios while running to his roommate. He was afraid that Holmes might have injured himself seriously while doing one of his bizarre experiment. Or worse, had set their room on fire which Holmes, one time, had almost succeeded with if it had not been for Watson's fast reflexes.

But much to his surprise, Sherlock Holmes was sitting on his bed with a familiar laptop, when Watson threw the door open.

"What Happened?!"

"Oh, Watson! You got my text." greeted Holmes, not looking up from the screen he was staring at so intensely.

"Yeah, I got your text. In fact, I got all NINE HUNDRED of them!" Watson yelled frustrated and slammed the door shut.

"Brilliant, now come and take a look at this" Sherlock gestured lazily with his hand.

Watson rolled his eyes and took off his muddy shoes. He took back what he have previously said about being lucky for having Sherlock Holmes as a roommate.

"This better be important" He muttered.

"It is a matter of supreme importance; how do you block someone on Facebook?" Asked Holmes.

Watsons eyebrows tied a knot in confusion, "Why would you want to block someone on Facebook?" he asked. Then Watson remembered.

"Didn't you say that you don't have a Facebook account?" he asked.

"I don't. I'm using yours." Answered Sherlock nonchalantly.

"What?! Again? Why?!" Watson exclaimed with obvious panic in his voice. He went to grab the laptop from Holmes, but his roommate quickly got it out of his reach.

"Well, I needed to obtain some information regarding someone in our class, but instead-" Holmes emphasised on the last two words.

"- I found out that Mary Morstan had 'poked' you three days in a row, more than two times a day." He finished.

"Mary Morstan in our class?" Watson asked surprised.

"Yes, the painfully blonde Mary" Holmes added.

"And what did you do?"

"I poked her back of course" Answered Holmes.

Watson pinched his nose bridge/ took a deep breath while embracement started to creep on him.

"how many times?" Watson tried to look at the screen but Holmes turned it way.

"Oh my god" muttered Watson as Holmes war refusing to answer his question. Watson yanked the laptop from his roommate.


Poked you 79 times in a row!

Watson jaw dropped and he looked at Holmes in complete disbelief. Holmes gave him an innocent look in return. Watson was unable to form words.

"Okay Watson, you better close your mouth or something might fly into it."

"Explain!" Watson demanded.

Holmes rolled his eyes. "What's there to explain? its rude to poke people, Obviously, so I poked her back and then she continued on poking. And mind you Watson I wasn't going to allow her to cyber bully you. Therefore, blocking her is the best way." Holmes defended his actions with great pride in his voice.

A Scandal in Social Media (BBC SHERLOCK, TEENLOCK AU)Where stories live. Discover now