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"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Binsha screams, clearly in the worst pain she's ever been. I put all my strength in pushing it back in, and proudly see it has almost disappeared from sight. Binsha kicks me so hard i feel dizzy. From the other side of the kitchen I see her screaming harder than ever, and as the baby crowns she stops pushing. I watch her clutch the baby's head and forcefully tug it out. It finally comes out, and two minutes later the ambulance comes. As they bring Binsha away, I hear 'small baby'. Small baby? It was absolutely HUGE. I mean, Binsha sounded like she was being dragged through fire. I run upstairs and think. It really looked so painful, but the worst part was when she looked at her kid (Annie) crying and looked so happy, like it was all worth it. I'll never get the chance... No. I should not get attached. Leave it, Huria.
3 1/2 weeks later
My bed is uncomfortable. I twist and turn but the galloping rhythm of my heart makes me anything but sleepy. My doctor said that if I don't go into labour by the end of this week, they're going to make me with some medical thing-y. I am so nervous. In the other room, Annie wails. I hear Binsha soothing her. Suddenly I feel a shooting pain in my stomach. I groan. Oh god. Oh god. NO. "MOM" I yell. She immediately slams me into the car and drives me to the hospital. It really hurts worse every contraction, and they are now 10 minutes apart. The drive takes several hours because of traffic, but mom warns the doctor to be ready.

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