Chapter 47

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( Third person POV)

" We are here. " Harry said pulling the car over.


He dared to glance out of the car window, still holding on a small straw of hope that this is not happening.

This is not happening.

First the girl in the album and now.... This.

Please no.

Same neighborhood. Same house. Same driveway.

Harry and Rosalyn are now out of the car. Robert though was taking a moment, to take it all in.

Robert finally got the courage to step out of the car.

" Are you sure you can do this ?" Harry spoke to Rose, concern evident in his voice. She hasn't been here since that day. She couldn't. It's been almost six years now. She always sent Harry to check on it but never had the guts to do it her self. And she couldn't sell it either.

She nodded. " I can do this. " gaining all courage she has, she took out the key out of her pocket and climbed up the few door steps.

Harry took a glance at Robert to see all the colors were drained from his face.

" You're all okay there Robert? You seem like you've seen a ghost. " Harry spoke coldly.

Oh believe me, it's way worse.

" Uh.... yeah. Why wouldn't I be? " He tried to hide the panic.

Harry didn't believe his words. He was still eyeing him suspiciously. The door opened and the two of them broke eye contact and followed Rose to the house.

Her eyes wandered around. Taking in every corner and every detail. Flashes of happy memories flooded in her mind and she can't help the sad smile that appeared on her lips. But then, her gaze fell on the office door and every hunted flashback she ever had was now playing on front of her eyes.
And she wasn't the only one who was struggling. Both couldn't breath. Both hearts were begging to get out of their chests. The same event playing in front of them, only different points of view.

He wanted to scream out loud, to let out all his frustration. But he couldn't. He suppressed that urg for later. Every cell of him was begging him to get the hell out of there. To disappear. To vanish. But again he can't.

She thought she can do it, but apparently it was too much for her. She gave Harry the key to the safe, that they found, before speaking.
" You look in the office. I... I can't go there. " her voice cracked. He nodded in understanding.
" I'll search in the rooms. Maybe I'll find something. Robert if you want, come help me. You can stand and watch too. It's up to you. "
She started climbing up the stairs, Robert following her with a heavy heart. She stopped on front of a door that belongs to a room that was once hers. She twisted the doorknob and took a step in the now dusty room.

The baby pink and black walls brought her the feeling of home. And she wished that nothing happened. She wished she had the chance to stay here forever. But that's life we're talking about. Everything changes. She stared at her old bed and remembered the times she stayed up all night and the times she had sleepovers with Harry and their friends. She remembered the times she cried herself to sleep because of her first love or Sam ,her first boyfriend. The laughs, smiles ,cries, tears,fears, memories, they all were on display like a video tape.
She took a deep breath. " Okay, enough gazing around. Are you going to help? "

He nodded, avoiding any eye contact.

" Well then, I'll search in the closet, you look... wherever. " she said realizing that the room is actually empty. Other than the bed, closet and bedside table, there was nothing. When she moved out, she made sure that she won't need to come here again.

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