Chapter 45

141 11 4

♛ listen to: Black and Blue, by Sia

It's up there !!


( Third person POV )

" You never told me it's a SHE. "

" Well, I never knew it was going to be much of a problem. " Anne defended.

Later that night after Robert finally complied to Rose's orders Anne called. Rose checked on Robert first to find him sleeping next to an empty bowel before actually answering the call.

" The heck when I opened that door, it wasn't a problem to me at all. It was when she saw him that sh*t went down."

" What do you expect. That's Robert we're talking about. "

" She was really professional with nerdy glasses and the whole package. Like seriously at first her blouse was buttoned up to her f***ing chin, I swear she was even walking in a perfect straight line until she stepped a foot in his room she transformed into a drunken wh..... okay enough insults but you got my point. The women kept talking to me like I'm the maid of the house and eyed me from head to toe in disgust. I'm actually surprised I managed to keep my temper at bay and not snap her neck. "

" Someone is jealous. Poor Harry. " Anne smirked.

Rose can't help but raise an eyebrow.

" That's not jealousy Anne. Anyone in my shoes would feel the same. No one would like to be treated like that, " She reasoned, though Anne's words we're actually making sense to her.

" And speaking of Harry. Have you heard from him? I haven't talked to him in days. "

" I guess he told you about The Director's disappearance. Although, he was back today, he never left the meeting room. He had a real long meeting with Harry then they both left and no one else knows what is going on. "

" That's weird. There's a lot of things going wrong with Harry. He's... I don't know. Last time I called he wasn't himself. He avoided looking at me and... " Rose sighed.

" Did you two have another argument? "

" No... well, yes. But we fixed things and then we parted ways again. I don't know... "
" I think it's just stress. That has nothing to do with you. In fact he ordered me to give you anything and everything you ask for. Info, supplies, anything. That was when he was the director though, but I guess I'll do it anyway. " She smiled at her friend widely.

Rose smiled in return.

" Well, do you need anything while the offer is still available ? "

Rose can't help but roll her eyes.
" Oh, I wanted to ask you where the weapons and supplies are. I figured that the house has no basement. "

" Well, uhm.... since the both of you are no longer working on the mission the director thought it would be useless to have one. "

" Oh really ? I didn't have a direct order from him so I don't know what are you talking about. And what if we were attacked? What if they found us ? How are we supposed to defend ourselves?! "

" The whole neighborhood is ours. Our men are everywhere. There is basically everything just a foot away from your door. "

" Well that explains a lot. But still, that's not enough. We need to be sure and safe. "

Anne huffed.

" You'll find a chamber behind the closet in each room. "

" Thanks Anne! "

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