Unable Part One

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Chapter one:
Narrator (my) POV:

A mass frenzy of shades concerning the colors black and grey lazily dyed every inch of the mindscape. Everything was left bland and monochromatic, everything but two humanoid figures.

One dressed in a formal yellow suit, the outlined cloth of it all; a despicable ugly black. The second was the complete opposite of his twin in every way imaginable. While Bill stood with pride and confidence in his yellow attire, Will took a stance of insecurity masked with an incredibly shy nature.

The siblings appeared to be arguing, despite Will's tendency of inability to refuse much of anything. Out of sheer anxiety Will clutched the left sleeve of his cerulean, and so incredibly soft sweater with his quivering right hand. Quivering, like the rest of himself.

"You're going, Will! Stop being a baby!Do you know what I'm like when I'm angry?!"

Bill's outburst was unwarranted, but neither un-permitted in any case.

"P-P-Please don't ma-make me g-go by my self...N-not a-a-all alone.."

Will desperately attempted 'bargaining', if you would describe his choice of words on such far-fetched terms, afraid of being alone. Brushing this off with no concern, and neither returning with a care to reply, Bill shuffled forwards. His foot steps echoed unreasonably deafening, falsely appearing to gradually thunder louder and louder against the cold metal floor that he, himself insists only a mere illusion could possibly offer.

Strictly after the abrupt echoes reached their climax in not only sound, but mental efficiency, everything became strictly silent. What came next, only a masochistic psychopath could ever even consider depriving enjoyment from.

Elaborate pain blossomed from small, angelically white, hollow cells. Pure agony maimed Will Cipher, who couldn't even muster the manifestation of a pitiful scream anymore. Slowly, atoms grasped onto each other, gracefully fabricating the physical form his being mimicked just hours ago- hours in which the twin withholding absolute dominance over the other, Bill admitted he was incapable of producing a physical formation himself. For or that specific matter, he was forcing Will to do it in his place.

Obviously, the results from Will's squeamish disliking towards the unreasonable plan had been made crystal clear, and then some. Meanwhile the nearly complete, yet slow process of creating something from an utter nothing, the petite male body was on it's way to the realm belonging to none other than the infamous Pine's.

The only reason Will had the slightest glimpse of an idea on who the Pine's could truly be was for the sheer reason Bill had cursed their names out with the pure anger of thousands in front of him. The only conclusion his sibling drew was that the family was a sadistic drabble of terror.

What else could have beat the almighty Bill? The masquerade of power nobody would've thought out to be of Will's only family. How could such an innocent kinder frame be a descendant of Bill? Either ways another lump of dreadful lucid suffered hours gagged Will, his torture was over.

A skinny feminine boy, with smooth locks of vibrant sky-bleached hair, hair not long enough to belong to any usual showgirl, and just outgrown for a normal boy, was now actually alive for the first time in quite possibly a millennium.

His skin was pale, and a white medical eye patched ruled out his blind, left baby blue eye. His forced vessel was encased in his past clothes. An soft baggy sweater 'donated' to him and insincerely, but willingly forfeited by Bill. It was originally yellow, but immediately morphed into a welcoming blue once placed around his younger, only brother, Will. The alluring sweater, pitch black jeans, and a hat identical to Bill's, exactly. Surprisingly enough, the hat was only Will's favorite accessory. Without going into much detail, Anyone can easily announce that Will would much rather die than give up the hat.

AN; Lucky for you all, I've ceased to leave this story at a cliff-hanger. Yeah, I know, I'm so amazing like that, but... No need to thank me. So, SPOILER ALERT. Next chapter Will is going to experience what the outside world is like. I mean, since he's forgotten what it feels like. Obviously because Bill's kept him in the minescape for so long. If you guys have any recommendations feel free to vent yourself away in the comments. AND LET'S GET LEGIT HERE, I'M STAYING UP AT THREE IN THE MORNING SO YOU FILTHY SINNERS CAN READ, SO COMMENT! GIVE ME A SIGN. 030

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