Chapter 3

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So it's been about a week since warped started and it's been great! Me and Austin have gotten pretty close and so have me and Alan. I have to say that I am so glad that I decided to come. Today is the day I get to see my baby girl. Hopefully. We stopped in her town. Well, the town her and her dad live in. It's early cause I just woke up.

I rolled outta bed and walked out to the front lounge and everyone was already up. Oops.

"Sorry guys I just got up" I mumbled while sitting on the couch next to Austin and putting my head in his lap. He stroked my hair while I sighed.

"What's wrong" he whispered in my ear.

"It's August. I finally might get to see her today. But her father us going to be with her and his new girlfriend" I said while sitting up.

"Don't worry about it honey. Your daughter is all that matters right now" he said and smiled.

I nodded my head and got up. I pulled Alan  with me to the back lounge.

"Help me" I said and he smiled. He knew what I was talking about so he went to my bunk to get my stuff and now he is back with clothes in his hand. He threw them to me and pointed to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and shut the door. I changed and looked in the full length mirror they had in the bathroom. I had on an adidas black sports bra with some denim cut off shorts. I braided my hair into to pig tails and did my make up and put in my glasses instead of my contacts. I looked over myself. I liked myself for once. I walked out into the back lounge and Alan whistled. I blushed. Austin came into the back lounge to check on me and stopped in his tracks.

"hot damn you look fine as hell" he said and I covered my face and hid it in Alan's chest.

"you guys are making my face turn as red as a tomato" I whined.

" well babe we gotta tell you how fine you look" Alan said and I smacked him.

"I'm gonna have to follow you around like a body guard to make sure no one touches you" Austin said seriously.

"calm down big boy" I said and patted his chest. I put on my white adidas shoes and walked out of the back lounge.

"Okay guys time to go" Aaron hollered and once by one they all got out of the bus. I started walking around and went over to the Sleeping with Sirens tent and found the guys. I know all of them now. They are pretty cool. I found Justin and put my hands over his eyes and said "guess who" and laughed a little.

"hmm let me guess adley" he said and pulled my hands away to hug me.

"how'd you know Mr. Know it all" I pouted. He picked me up and spun me around before setting me down. I turned around and Austin was standing there.

"hey what's up" I asked.

"your daughter. She is here" He said. Something was different about his tone. He wasn't the caring fun loving Austin I've grown to love so much.

"see y'all later" I said and gave Justin a kiss on the cheek. They all have become like brothers and best friends to me.

I started walking with Austin back to his tent.

"hey what's up with you" I asked as I pulled him aside.

"what do you mean" he asked as if he didn't know what I was talking about.

"you know what I mean Austin. You were acting different around Justin. What's going on. Don't  bullshit me either" I said. I was getting pissed.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong" he said.

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