Chapter 1

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Adley's P.O.V

"Here you go ma'am, one sleeping with sirens shirt" I said as I handed the nice old lady the shirt and she said thank you and left.

"Adley you can go honey" my manager Mark said.

"Thanks Mark" I said and clocked out and grabbed my purse and walked out to the parking lot and to my car. I got in and called Hasley to see if she was home yet. I called her and after the third ring she answered.

"Hello" she said in the phone.

"Hey are you home yet" I asked as I started the car.

"Yeah and I brought a friend with me if you don't mind. He just needed a place to stay for a day and then he will leave" she basically begged.

"Fine only one night" I said as I hung up and drive home.

"Thank you" she basically screamed into the phone.

"Who is it anyways" I asked as I put the car in drive and pulled out of the larking lot and into busy traffic.

"He is in a band, his name is Alan Ashby, he is on tour right now and his bus broke down so his hand has no where to stay and I kinda told them they could stay here" she said and I almost blew my top.

"Are you serious!!!!!"

"Please don't be mad at me, August loves them anyways! Please. It'll just be until there bus gets fixed!" She basically begged me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I know I'm not going to win this one so there is no point in arguing with her. "Fine" I said and she squealed and said thank you repeatedly. "Your welcome. Now watch August. I'll be he in a minute" I said and hung up the phone.

I stopped at Taco Bell and got me and Hasley a Baja Blast and arrived at our apartment complex. I got out and walked upstairs and unlocked the door and walked in and shut the door with my foot. I set my stuff down on the counter and yelled for Hasley.

"Hasley where the hell are you" I yelled and I heard a "mommy" with the sound of a two year olds foot steps running down the little hallway.

She ran and stumbled on her feet and I caught her just in time. She was wearing a cute little dress. It was white and had daisies all over it. Her hair was in a high ponytail. I picked her up and kissed her cheek. She squealed and said "hi mommy" and planted a wet kiss on my cheek.

Hasley walked in the door with some strange ginger guy and a really tall guy. The tall one was covered in tattoos and had brown hair and brown eyes. Deep chocolate brown. The kind you would stare into for hours and never get tired of them. The ginger had brown eyes too but they were lighter. Still nice to look at though. I set August down and told her to go play the Xbox. I already had it set up. I always do. For a three year old she is pretty smart.

She went to go play and I turned to Hasley and crossed my arms. "Where have you been and why was August here by herself" I asked in the calmest way possible. " I had to wait outside for them and she wanted to continue playing black ops and she wouldn't move. I tried everything. So I let her stay in here. She was fine. Oh by the way this is Alan and Austin " she finished and pointed to each one.
I half smiled and waved to them. "so you boys are the ones she never shuts up about" I laughed. Her cheeks turned red and the boys start laughing at her as she covers her face in the couch.

"we've told you about not talking bad about us" Austin laughed.

We all laughed and then I got a call. It was August's dad.

"Hello " I answered rather snooty.

"Hello Adley. It's time for her to come back home. I will be there in ten minutes to pick her up" my ex boyfriend who is August's dad replied.

"Okay. We will be waiting" I sighed and hung up.

I went to her room and started getting all of her stuff rounded up. I gathered all her things finally and told her to come outside.

"Mommy where am I going" she asked.

"Your going back with daddy okay I'll see you soon" I kissed her and she hugged me. When I saw his car pull up she turned her head and ran to it calling daddy. I smiled the smile faded when I saw how much she lives him more than me. I wouldn't blame her. I was an awful mother. Not anymore but I used to be.


God I hate myself for this. I'm so awful. I'm a bad person and a bad mother. But I can't help it. It's almost like its calling my name. Begging me to just take a hit. Or a sniff. Just one. Then it turns into two and then three and then four. You get the idea. I had my baby and no one knows I do this anymore. Everyone thinks I've cleaned up. But I haven't.

"Wahhhh" I hear the baby cry but I can't get up. My mind won't let me. I'm in a daze and I just want to sit here. Just sit. The wining keeps going on. But I don't do anything. When my high wears off I finally get up and go to her room. I pick her up and rock her to sleep and put her back in her crib. I go to my room and make a line of white powder. I snort it and then sigh of happiness. I smile so big. I hear the door open and I don't get up because I don't wanna get up. I can't. My door opens.

"Are you kidding me. August's room smells like shit and your sitting here high as a kite. Wow. See if I ever let you see her again" he said rather coldly.

I panicked. Bad.

"You can't do that! "

"Until you've changed. You can't see your daughter" then he walked out the door.

My world came crashing down

*End if flashback *

From that day I vowed to never do drugs again. Because it'll destroy my world if I do.

Hi guys!!! So how is it so far? Like it? Let me know in the comments? Love all of you

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