Chapter 2

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It was 1 am and everyone is asleep. I walked out into the living room and plopped down on the couch just to get the shit scared outta me by Austin.

"Sorry did I scare you" he whispered.

"yeah just a little bit" I laughed.

I tried to pay attention to whatever was on TV but I could feel him staring at me. Burning holes in my head.

"Is there a problem" I snapped and turned my head to look at him. Only there wasn't judgement on his face like I was used too. It was concern and care.

"Why did your daughter have to go with her dad? " he asked. I tensed up but not so he could notice and sighed a little bit.

"Because that's where she lives" I replied coldly.

"You know I'm not going to say anything. I'm sure it's hard to trust people but I'm not everyone" he said as he looked me in the eyes. Damn.

"She has lived with her dad almost her whole life. I used to have a bad drug problem. Like it was really bad. I quit when I found out I was pregnant but after I had her it was the same cycle again. I would smoke, snort you name it. I've done everything.  I was stupid. An idiot. I hate myself for it now because I can't ever have her live with me. She is my baby. My little girl. When she gets older she is going to wonder what happened and why she doesn't live with her mommy and her dad will tell her why. Then she will hate me" I said with tears in my eyes. I just spilled my heart out to him. A guy I barely know. There is just something about him that makes me trust him.

He put his hand on my cheek and wiped the tears from my face.

"It will be okay. Never give up. She will love you no matter what. Anyone could love you. She will understand" he said and smiled a little.

He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up and walked until I landed on the counter. I was so confused as he was getting out stuff to make breakfast. Then I looked outside. The sun was shining bright in the sky. Well shit.

"So can I make the pancakes?" I questioned and he laughed and nodded his head.

I prepared the stiff for the mix and made the batter while he was making eggs and bacon. I have a genius idea. I took some of the batter and put it on my hand and turned to him. I put my hand on his cheek and looked in his eyes and smiled.

"Austin this has been so fun. I mean it. Thank you for all of the helpnyoue giving me. Oh and I hope you enjoy your pancake on your face" I joked and laughed.

He felt his face and laughed too.

"I see how it is. Just wait. I'll get you back" he said and smirked.

I made all of the pancakes and everything was done when people started waking up. By people I mean Alan and Hasley.

They sat at the bar and got a plate full and dug in.

"Oh by the way Aldey. You hotter start packing soon. Our bus is up and ready to go" Austin said as I was cleaning up.

"Why" I questioned.

"Because your coming with us silly" Alan said.

"Seriously" I said. I know I don't seem like it but honestly that's the kinda music I listen to.

I ran to my room and started packing.

I packed a shit ton of band shirts and shorts. Skinny jeans and vans. All and all I had a lot of shit in one suitcase.

I came out of my room rolling my suitcase behind me and realized I need to get ready. I ran back to my room and pulled Austin with me.

"What should I wear" I asked while going through my closet.

"Probably jeans considering it's only 72 degrees outside today" He replied.

I nodded and pushed him out of my room so I could get dressed. I put on some skinny jeans and a Sleeping With Sirens shirt on and slipped on my white hi-top vans.

"okay now I'm good" I said.

From there we started on our way to there bus for warped tour.

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