Breaking point and bond between teacher and student

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Yuki's pov
I stood outside hearing iruka talking to her class I waited annoyed I was at the good bit of my book and the boy attacked me he should've known better then he wouldn't have got hurt iruka walked out to me closing the door behind him I look up at him and see his disappointment and look down as I mutter"I'm sorry sensei I was just mad I was at the good bit of my book and he was yelling at me and calling me a teacher's pet"he smiles and replies"Yuki it's fine just as long as you say sorry and promise not to do it again you should know better"he says I nod smiling and say"I promise sensei thanks for taking it easy on me
By the way sensei what did naruto do this time"I ask curious he scratch's the back of his head and says"he painted the hokage faces"I try to hold in my laughter"that's funny he really is a great person"iruka smiles hearing this and nods*yes he is Yuki it's good someone else except me sees that"I nod and walk back into class I put a thumbs up to naruto he chuckled and gives one back

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